Mister Ford


Maybe it'd be great to see DeNiro play a closeted gay man whose obsession with ballet and musical theater steer him to a new, more accepting crowd of folks, who in return… man! this ran out of stem in a hurry.

Really?? You'd hate to be Ricky Gervais? a person who's rich beyond your understanding? Whose creative vision has flourished tenfold beyond anything you've conceived in your little mind? The man whom 10 out of ten average people would rather have a conversation with? Your life must be FUCKING AWESOME!

He's awful.

Both of these chaps are so much more comically gifted than Steve Carrell, seriously, he absolutely kills what would be an otherwise "meh"-worthy show.

P&Rs first season was a half season; so at the end of next season (assuming this season is a full 22-23 episodes) they will have produced 3.5 seasons.

That still leaves 10-12 seasons of comic gold that has near-infinite rewatchability, P&R will be lucky to last 4 seasons period.

I have no knowledge of her outside of 30 Rock whatsoever, and I cringe everytime she's onscreen. Having said that, i enjoyed this episode quite a bit. Seriously, she's awful

A televised flea circus has more chance of catching on than Bobs Burgers, that show is woefully mediocre. You do raise an interesting point though, Imagine Fx's lineup of shows transposed to Fox proper, wonder how that would turn out.

…and making an earnest comparison to The Simpsons after not even 2.5 seasons is ridiculous, just say it out loud and listen to how ridiculous you sound.

P&R is a good show, but I fail to see why everyone on these boards fall over themselves to fellate it; 85% of the humor seems too broad and obvious for it to have instilled this kind of fervor in you people, and Amy Poehler just doesn't do it for me in any way whatsoever (comically, or otherwise.)

Douche Quest 8?

Good call, zetes.

The bitch caught a Fitz like Gerald.

Webcrawler bitches!

I'd give Watchmen a solid C, everything else D+ or worse. Seriously how did this man get famous?

In another time and another place, yes Burt Reynolds is all of that.

Die and go to hell, please.

Since both are bulletproof, it would invariably end up in fisticuffs. The T-800 seems more fleet of foot, thereby giving him an edge, however Robo/Murphy's brain and sense of pride may come into play…