
Rachel seems to have a decent head on her shoulders, and Helen always seemed to as well. But Ava and Winona have both spent some time as Most Annoying Character. Seems like whichever one is with Raylan at the moment usually occupies that spot.

@spork and beans

My vote for best line of the night has to go to Raylan - "If it makes you feel better, you can tell people I asked." His exchanges with Boyd are always gold.

Good point about Doyle's deputy. Gotta wonder if maybe the talk about getting Doyle out of the way so he could be the new chief is a bit of foreshadowing as to a new player for next season.

I kinda got the feeling that Loretta's actions and confronting her about her father may have made Mags reassess the choices she made concerning Loretta. And if she had to consider that she might've been wrong about how she handled Loretta, she had to consider she might've been wrong about a lot of things.

Yeah, they've given Devil a better role at the end of this season, too. Was happy to see him kicking some ass.