ventricular buzzword

Well, I agree with Jeff. Nobody is as perfect as Rich seems to be. I was half expecting something horrible to be going on in his apartment at the end. Rich's internal monologue at the end of the Pottery episode supports the idea that he is a ticking time bomb.

"I'm going to turn off the TV and watch Larry Sanders for 30 minutes."

Was Fat Neil new? I don't remember him.

This sucks. I had just gotten a few people hooked on it too.

@I shot Gordon Pratt
I generally agree with what you're saying, but i didn't really get the Very Special Episode vibe others are getting. I do think that this episode was trying (and largely succeeded) at being emotionally sincere, which Very Special Episodes try to do, but I don't think that it was trying to make a

"my beef with psych, house, burn notice, monk, etc. etc. etc. is that they always seem like THE SAME FUCKING plot throughout the episodes"

There is no such thing as spoilers for anything over 100 yrs old.

Well, the General is going to get exposed to gamma rays now. I'd give it 50-50 odds he makes it back as a Hulk at some point.

I'll do mine:
1. Community
2. Venture Bros.
3. It's Always Sunny
4. The League
5. Archer/30 Rock tie

No show can be 100% new and original 100% of the time. And shows that parody or reference other things will naturally have aspects that have been done before. Parodies and references get ruined when they aren't clever or aren't well written or are Scary Movie 3. Community consistently does a good job at making its

I sent off my email. Man, I hope it survives.

The mother is a MacGuffin. At this point I think that any eventual resolution will be unable to live up to the hype that years of stories about how Ted met her has built up. Forget the destination and just enjoy (the often very funny) ride.

Oh, I also really liked Marshall's clown car joke at the beginning. But overall, it wasn't anywhere near as good as last week's episode.

I gave it a B, because I found all the innuendo on a kids show pretty funny.
I don't know how re-watchable this one will be though. The Lily and Punchie stuff wasn't very funny. However, I DID almost do a spit-take along with Ted and Barney over the show, so. . .

I agree with Bucky Calloway; the AVClub book section has led to my reading several great books I probably wouldn't have known about otherwise. It looks like this one will be next on my list.

"In conclusion, Community may not be Arrested Development, but it is funny as fuck. And wasn't being fucklarious really the point all along?"

"Loved the look on Troy's face when Halloween is mentioned."

I didn't really mean to criticize, since this was one of my favorite episodes of the series so far. But my very first thought of the show was "Where did all those leaves come from?"

I definitely enjoyed "Murder By Death". Peter Falk was awesome in it. I was mostly joking about it being racist.

Look, IF she's the weak link (which I don't really agree with) it's only because the rest of the cast is as awesome as they are. But really, Community has as solid an ensemble as there is on television.