
I started the week with Rat Queens, which I honestly hadn't heard of before I saw it at the library. It's lots of fun and has some strong female characters without being great. Somewhat inconsequential.

I suspect I only like her because she's so frequently hated. Only seen one episode of Girls, so it can't be that.

There's a line about wolves in a Cormac McCarthy novel saying, it's not so much that they are smart, but they have nothing much else to think about.

My dog Scoobuscus is apparently too dumb to understand pointing, but smart enough to determine the likelihood of a walk based on how I dress.

She'd be lynched halfway through the strike. "She's been stealing all the food! Look at her chubby cheeks!"

At last, evidence that good animals do get to heaven.

From the Frank Zappa "songs that mention food or animals are inherently funny" school of comedy.

Back in the day, there used to be poems in between the album reviews in Rolling Stone.

I can live with another movie about pedophilia, as long as no one eats spaghetti in a filthy bath.

Look, if there has to be an Asian in it, make sure it's one of the three I know

I don't get it. Are they just pretending to be someone else?

People keep telling me I shouldn't keep my anvil near my 4th story window, but as I point out, there's no way something that heavy is going out the window accidentally.

Yeah, a Natalie Dormer horror film unsurprisingly failed to fill me with confidence, But don't worry, Mohd, Hollywood will keep making these films until one is great. One day Aokigahara will be the forest on everyone's tongues.

Interesting. I have myself downplayed my partner's worries as "over-reacting" on occasion. I don't think it had anything to do with sexism, just that I've seen her over-react often in the past. And that's not a crack at her. She just likes to vent, as do I in the same situation.

Ladyhawke is away visiting family & I watched a doco about polyamory last night before bed. My dreams were very sad & scary.

Pushing someone away but refusing to tell them why is a dick move. Good luck!

The risk of asking is far outweighed by the possible consequences if you don't.

Normally I complain there's not enough background, but I couldn't work out if there was too much or I was missing a vital point. ("we all know how younger, native-American women hate the hand-jobs")

Dan III is a little brusque.

Each to their own, but I wouldn't have 'Straight Outta Compton' in my top 250.