At last my near-alcoholic drinking and subsequent hours of vomiting is attracting the ladies.
At last my near-alcoholic drinking and subsequent hours of vomiting is attracting the ladies.
Weird choice maybe, but he eats it up.
I was in a 2nd hand bookshop a few years ago when the owner had to tersely explain that he was not interested in buying any copies of Harry Potter paperbacks as he couldn't even sell the ones he had.
I took a girl to the cinema for Bad Boy Bubby. She wasn't laughing.
I loved Blue Ruin, but I suspect this won't rate as highly for me. Looks a little broad for my tastes.
Swallowed whole, I hope.
I favour Dave Larkin from Dallas Crane.
I loved Megahex (though it occasionally slipped into the realm of uncomfortably ugly) and this looks just as good.
"nnnh" is the sound my brother made when he thought I was sleeping and masturbated in our shared bedroom.
I had a customer yesterday that maintained eye contact with me while she wiped her nose on her top repeatedly.
I remember when my beloved partner, after ten years, finally worked up the courage to ask me if I thought her breasts were too small. Let me assure you, I had displayed nothing but genuine unabashed joy at being able to get close to them. For a decade.
If Germany had won the war, would the sloppier GI look be a shorthand for villainy?
Depends on the song. For instance, Son of Sam is a jaunty little number about a black labrador and telling your boss off.
I've never slept with a stranger before. I've come close a few times, but only when I've been pretty drunk, because I would never be comfortable enough sobre-ish.
My first thought was, "What? Again?", but this looks pretty good. If he can direct his blatant obsession into good pieces, all the better.
Ray Lawrence is one of my favourite directors and any extra attention is great. Unfortunately, Jindabyne, his last film, is nigh on a decade old.
While Coen Bros films often have great throwaway lines, somehow they are more grounded in Millers. I guess being a genre piece it was plausible dialogue.
I have similar feelings about J.E. Freeman's performance.
I would take the job, but I had a very recent offer for $6900 each week.
I feel like my body should start shaking, like my dog does when he realises he's going for a walk. New Clowes. Whoooo.