Upvoted for Werewolf Jones.
Upvoted for Werewolf Jones.
No disrespect to Cave's music, but if I could write a book like that, I wouldn't be a singer. Unfortunately, his next novel was dull.
The Sisters Brothers is great, and it's hard not to imagine certain scenes being influenced by Blood Meridian, though there's obviously a lot less carnage. There is an adaptation in the works with Jacques Audiard to direct.
I picture a young but fat Peter Boyle.
Much appreciated. I can already see the ratings roughly match with mine, so this will be a great help.
I object! Leading question!
The actor closest to who I pictured was Tim Robbins.
I started watching with my son the other day and we're midway through season 1, which has been a bit dull at times. Should I skip to 2? Are there any essentials that shouldn't be missed?
"Lady Anne" might not represent me well.
"Kate told 60 Minutes in 2013 that her mother had known Somerton Man, and that they both may have been spies, although she had no evidence of that."
I read an earlier review in The Guardian, and the comments were 30% "That was brilliant" and 50% "Unwatchable dross. I turned off after 20 minutes."
I thought it did. He thinks of Molly as the undertaker, but she could not have been in that age, so he gives her a mo. He has rebuffed her before, so in his dream she hates him.
And masses of evidence to the contrary.
"Did you do anything else to your hair? Remember, be honest."
What the fuck is a stride mother?
I'd go with your initial impression. My partner is 11 years older than me, but we mostly "feel" the same age. That said, I could never date someone that I felt I was taking advantage of, because they were too young to know what they were doing.
As a filthy foreigner, I often disparage the ways of Americans, but only a fool would not be jealous of your fine array of chips.
The trailer looks great but the New Yorker review was scathing. If I wasn't paying attention, I would have assumed they were different movies.
Betteridge's law of headlines…
Without wanting to contemplate the nature of the holy trinity, Dear God is more about Jesus' dad.