
The commercials make it look like NBC's "answer" to the Good Wife or something.

Hahaha. Northeast Ohio laughs at your misfortunes.

Paranoia Agent is awesome for the first half of the series or so. It kinda loses itself in experimenting halfway through, then closes strong. Altogether I loved it. Really interesting considering it was very Nuke-inspired (though what anime isn't?), though I still found it incredibly relatable since americans have 9/11

Robots are different from cyborgs.

Finally watched the new Gravity Falls. I almost cried. That was just wonderful. I'm glad they made a Soos episode that worked better than the Real Girl episode.

I miss quotas.

I started learning a few weeks ago. I only know power chords which is great because that's pretty much all Kurt Cobain ever played. But it also means I sound like shit, so I'm pretty self conscious about practicing. I usually just wait until everyone's out of the house because I know it's annoying.

I was going to say something about animation being very very expensive, but other people have already chimed in about that…

There's going to be a point in time where I get sick of hearing about Too Many Cooks, but apparently it's not today. Honestly I'm surprised it's lasting this long.

For some reason I was thinking of what it would be like to make this a gag at live sporting events a'la a Kiss Cam or something.

Part of me wanted to be disappointed in this just to validate myself thinking Disney is going downhill. Hopefully it's good.

I need more of this in my life. Like a film, HBO series, or a video game or something. A franchise. A spinoff featuring the text letters…nnnno. … kill me.

I was talking with someone earlier today about how nothing really surprises me any more and how I get bored too easily. Being caught off guard and genuinely engaged in something for the entire duration of a first viewing is something that doesn't really happen often for me. That video was just a blast from top to

Too Many Cooks is now my favorite thing I've ever seen.

Not just Abraham Lincoln.

My phone bricked itself this morning. I hate that I let little things like this become much bigger of a deal in my head than they really are. My mood is shot to heck and I feel like I can't do anything right. Ugh.

She's a Filipina immigrant from a semi-poor family. They're incredibly religious over there. So much so that they reenact the crucifixion. Like with nails and stuff. Like in their hands. Like nails in their hands. And a crown of thorns.

My mom actually believes in legitimacy of Ouija boards.

Dat PG-13 demographic.

Why hasn't anyone made a Big Hero 69 joke yet