
I did like the idea of a confrontation out of Walt's control, but it did bother me how no one was actually hit in the process. Unless… that was their plans the whole time. (But really, would either side be willing to kill each other? Hank is off book and the Nazis might think Hank is a better bargaining item than

OH MY GOD I FORGOT BREAKING BAD TONIGHT (runs off to watch DVR'd recording)

I was looking for the new community commercial and found this instead:

My only complaint was that it ended a bit abruptly. Or rather… that it ended.

Actually I'm probably going to hold out until the reviews start coming out. I have no real motivation to actually pay for the experience of seeing that movie live. If lots of reviewers are pissed at it then I'll probably end up skipping out until I can watch it for free at my own discretion.

I just realized I had a manager at a previous job who acts exactly like Pete Campbell. He even looks like him, it's scary. I'm a quiet person so my very existence just didn't register with him at all. On my 2nd day of work he walked up to me and asked "______, do you have thoughts?". He was completely sincere.

I'd throw "Healing Incantation" in there from Tangled. The chromaticism is always such fun to listen to.

Just finished Ep. 7. If Glen doesn't become a serial killer by the time Mad Men ends I'll be extremely disappointed.

And only 4 until they start cancelling them!

So Marie is pretty awesome now.

Based on the trailers alone, Ender's Game is going to upset me very very much. I'm still holding out that it was the marketing department's hail mary due to the film having very little action to grab the viewers with… but my hopes are not up.

One of my favorite things ever!

FINALLY decided to start Mad Men.

BCS crasher Northern Illinois takes out Iowa 30-27 on a late interception to FG!

Griffey Jr. just because I like him more as a person.

Friday Band Director's Report:

I can't like anything…