
So I turn on the OKC Memphis playoff game to see an entire arena decked out in COMMUNITY T-shirts.

Saw a live performance of this my freshman or sophomore year in college. It really is a great introduction into lengthy pieces of music for young/new ears. Probably the first "big" piece of music I listened to in my life; I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it.

Iron Man 3 was pretty good.

I haven't seen Iron Man 2, but I'm going to see Iron Man 3 tonight. Should I wait until I see the 2nd one first? (I'm guessing it doesn't matter)

I'm not too familiar with Mr. Show, but I will say that Chappelle's show is still surprisingly watchable and not in any sense outdated at this point. Surprisingly good stuff from that show.

I didn't include the rest of GOON's episodes back in the fall when it aired right after The Voice. Those are actually impressive averaging around 2.0/6.0. But really, you could have put ANY show on after The Voice and it probably would've gotten similar numbers; heck you probably could've had better ratings showing

I posted this in the current review as well:

Well Community has about the same average Demo rating as Whitney, and less total viewers. BUT during weeks in which Community also aired (Weeks of Feb 7th and beyond) Community beats Whitney's 1.13 average in the Demo. GOON has a similar situation in that the weeks that Community also aired resulted in a less

Not sure what you mean by N.C. (No Chord?). Also I got a little lost after the key change to G; did it repeat more times than marked? I might just be dumb.

Just to clarify, I don't think Rob Cordy's character was replaced with a stand-in. I'm pretty sure that was just another lawyer from Jeff's firm.

Is anyone here familiar with Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris? I just saw what I assume is completely ridiculous and misguided live interpretation of it. I've never seen (or heard of) the original, but after seeing what I saw tonight I'm hoping the original is much better.

I'd join in on the fun if I weren't suffering from "I can't get a job interview to literally save my life"-itis

Guessing time:

For sociopaths I'm guessing it usually is. Or maybe more simply about being a perfectionist; he "shouldn't have to compromise his work to placate mediocrity."

Yeah that was my reaction as well. I kept waiting for it to cut away… but it just never did. *shudders*

It's definitely just fucked up. (it's not pointless, it's important to experience it because of how it affects the main character, but definitely REALLY fucked up)

I agree. This seems like something Abed would've done waaaay back in Season 1 or 2. He obsesses over the group, so it's not like he isn't constantly doing this anyway.

Okay now I'm really pissed off because I just realized the group simply accepted Chang and not Kevin without much of a fuss. Wouldn't they still think he's Kevin? Do they still think he is Kevin?! ARHGHGHGH FUCK this is pissing me off.