
I'm really starting to dislike Leslie. Hopefully they continue to address how corrupt she is/has gotten because it's a bit disheartening to see, especially with almost no one calling her out on it in comparison to her previous Parks-self.

Oo boy. I kinda have the opposite reaction. Those premises make me feel more anxious than anything. I know "History" was supposed to be this year's theme, but like most of the season I just feel like the issue is being forced with the final 2 episodes.

It wasn't really a point so much as I just remembered that website still exists and could be considered canon. By the writing I'd guess Harmon had a lot to do with the bios and what-not.

I just want to take this time to remind everyone Britta Perry was likely molested on her eleventh birthday.

Weird, I feel kinda the opposite with regards to the impressions of each other. If there's any complaint, like most of the season, the writing seems a bit too self-referential and forced. I suppose it should make sense since they're both obviously stereotyping each other, but a few lines didn't sit well with me.

We have yet to figure out exactly why he's named Kevin. The recent Documentary episode seemed to imply he was named after the trout farmer's dog. Some people have pointed out the Kevin repetition in the series, and the only info seems to be that the writers just like the feeling of the name with regards to random

Uh… I always figured this group (which I'm not even sure I'm a part of) just sticks on the previous reviews for a few days because they tend to go off topic from that most recent episode discussion. Essentially I always thought it as a courtesy not to clutter up the other review. Plus a lot of these commenters have

Does Community have to compete against anything unnecessarily big the next few weeks aside from BBT and Idol? I figure NBC can blame the recent 1.0 mostly on the NFL Draft since most everything else was down, but I doubt that will work the next few weeks.

Wow. 2 cool things I didn't know about the Russo brothers.

I have a feeling I'm not going to like the finale. I didn't really like "First Chang Dynasty", and this isn't getting my hopes up.

I miss the old visual style :(

(I saw Crash a few years ago and really liked it, though I admittedly can't remember much about it)

I feel like a camera shot of the actual text would have helped that joke a lot. I'm laughing a lot more actually reading it.

Unpopular opinion: I didn't really like "Paradigms of Human Memory" as much as everyone else. I still thought it was pretty good, but not really the A+ most people seem to give with regards to the entire series. It's essentially when I felt the show going a bit too far up its own butt.

MINGO!!! (and not Geno)

An "A"? Maybe just for this season's grades…

Then again, we are talking about Britta dated-a-guy-named-Blade-and-narrowly-avoided-marrying-the-pizza-guy Perry. She's more of a wildcard.

Did Jeff's voice seem lower than usual this episode? Maybe it's just because I was watching on a different TV in my house.

There's always the possibility that the chronology is fucked for this whole season. We've had episodes bumped around quite a bit, and it doesn't help that we're airing not-on-Oct-19th

For me the fact that they avoided Tritta all season kinda validated (and enhanced) what happened in this episode. Also, it reminded me of past seasons in that I didn't laugh a lot, but was really drawn in by drama/character stuff.