
I'm saying that perhaps your perception of what his condition should be is incredibly judgemental and opinionated, rather than open and up to interpretation like it is actually portrayed in the show. He has traits and behavior that occur, yes. But he is never officially "diagnosed" within the show, therefore the

Yes. Because all autism is the same. Everyone with autism is just like your perception of what it should be.

That was left open to interpretation at the Season 3 Finale. Apparently Britta was just helping Troy move into his own room where the Dreamatorium used to be.

I'm going to go ahead and assume the 404 on Annie's hotel door was a very subtle callback to the 304 RCT egg.

(crosses fingers that he's just trying the whole "lowered expectations" thing for next week for a similar reaction)

Lowest grade for Community is now "Conventions of Space and Time" with a C-. The previous holder was 105 "Advanced Criminal Law", which was the Britta-on-trial-in-the-pool-judging-area episode. That got a C+… somehow.

Like some of Season 3, the jokes took a backseat to plot and character interaction.

Whoops, didn't see that "Tag Grade" part.

A bit of both, probably.

I think the fact that it was set-up as the "worst Community episode ever" really helped me enjoy this more. It was pretty average, but not really that bad at all. B-

My thoughts exactly. Plot was actually pretty nice, but it played out more like a stage play and not like a comedy. I didn't laugh at much besides Pierce and Shirley.

What a weird experience.

Without context of Season 3, yes I totally agree with you that Season 2 was great for Pierce. Unfortunately I feel like they almost invalidated what happened that whole season with him by bringing him back so quickly without context during the next season. "I'm back" followed by no real diving into why he decided to

Dismissive of Chevy, yes. It's pretty obvious he's being kept away from full group scenes. Dismissive of Pierce… eh. Pierce has been going downhill since the end of Season 1. They did kinda give him nothing to do in 401 with the "I have a joke…it's on the tip of my tongue" for the entire episode. It was sad to watch

Eh. Not much to read there that hasn't already been said by everyone else.

I too was faked out by that.

The first time I actually sat and watched an episode of It's Always Sunny was when I was stuck up at Cedar Point (I worked there and stayed on the dorms off-park). On an offday I stayed in my janky dorm and caught a marathon on Comedy Central where I was witness to both "Kitten Mittens" and Dee and Charlie attempting