
The NBA All Star Game might be more unwatchable than the Pro Bowl. And honestly, that's quite an achievement.

"Biggest" is probably a poor choice of word. All 3 shows are definitely highly rated in terms of quality though.

I actually saw this movie in theaters when I was younger! It came out at a weird time; the tail end of Disney's (and everyone else's) hand-drawn big projects. Luckily it was good enough that it was/is still pretty well received. Unfortunately it underperformed at the box office (by Disney's standards). I think this

So I watched a bit of Chicago Fire tonight just to check it out. Apparently Dr. Chase from "House" is on it and his character uses an American accent.

Best in terms of ratings. It's doing well against (I think) CSI at 10PM. I think it actually scored a 1.9 in the demo this Wednesday, tying it for 1st that time slot.

It's a bit ridiculous Community can still pull 1.2s in the demo the rest
of the season and still limp with an "on-the-fence" chance of renewal
thanks to NBC fucking up almost every other show they have.

I love that it's revealed Jeff & Pierce have similar problems. Specifically how it's revealed that while Pierce keeps his father's bow tie on his nightstand, Jeff actually uses his dad's boxing gloves as part of his Halloween costume.

Personally I did enjoy the set-up for the inevitable Jeff's Dad arc that is going to happen this season. Gilbert's surprise was a bit shaky, but the way they handled Jeff this episode just seemed graceful to me. Upon rewatch the context of the boxing gloves just causes so much tension. Especially in comparison with

I honestly forgot they lived together. It's probably a bit awkward actually having Abed around all day as opposed to just while you're at school. Whether both of them are aware or not, it probably affects the way they act.

I think this is true for fans too.

1st off, better late than never.

…uhhh the whole 2-3 minute ending from Paranormal Parenting had a lilting guitar theme playing throughout. I loved how it all led to Jeff's phone call.

Why can't we do both?


Am I right in thinking that Gravity Falls episode was probably the weakest episode thus far? I liked where the story led both Stan and Mabel, but I didn't laugh as much as I'm used to.

I think the fact that you think he is just "gay" says more about you than it does about him.

This episode was so much better on rewatch. Especially now that I know Jeff was wearing his dad's boxing gloves the whole time and he tried to set-up Annie in generic "ring girl" attire to pair with his costume.

"Pretty consistent"