
I just remembered the amazing "Blind/Blonde" bit from yesterday's episode. I think it was the borderline-"Nip/Tuck" font that got me.

Well looks like I'm going to have to rewatch Anthro 201 just to make sure I'm remembering that I didn't like it that much. Yay Season 2!

Do you define "Anti-Harmon" as people who just don't like Harmon or people who think he isn't necessarily the end-all-be-all of Community? I like Harmon, but I'm also willing to accept something new in the life of the show. I'd actually prefer him to be still in control, but since I have no control over that I am

So I know I'm not really a regular commenter here but, uh… we're just going to chill on this comment page for the rest of forever right guys? No need to apply Abed's lesson to real life and graduate to the scary S4 review pages right?

"Puniwarded". Part punishment, part reward. You pitched it, I coined the term. See what I did there? That was an explanabrag.

It is a bit horrifying how well the laugh track actually worked to get me to laugh at the multicam bits. I felt like I just did heroin or crystal meth when laughing at them.

To be fair, I personally have this problem with a lot of Harmon episodes.

Eh. I actually felt it was a bit awkward and went on a bit too long. For me the "someone moved my stapler" callback was the best part of the episode.

I actually feel the opposite about Annie and Forensics. To me, it just makes sense for that to happen.

I'm sad that you hate it and I don't. I feel like someone just drew a line down the center of our incredibly solidified fandom :/ I will admit it's a bit reassuring to know I still like the show though.

Abed's Jeff's self realization speech really hit home for making me accept where the show is now and not fretting too much.

Troy's "I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M ENJOYING THIS" really saved that bit from being too awkward. He really has a nack for saving bits with lines like that. ("stop saying I'm different!", "so many layers!")

Is it different? Yep! A bit. But so was Season 3 vs Season 2.

Crap it's midnight already? I have work in the morning. g'night.

So… it's "13 going on 30" + "Awake"?

I probably shouldn't be reading the AMA, theyr'e doing a good job of not being too specific with spoilers… but they're still dropping cliffhangers everywhere with their answers.

This is kinda why I regret going too far up Community's ass with the fandom. I didn't really start getting over-involved in behind the scenes bits and Harmon worship until the end of Season 2, and since then I feel like it's disrupted my ability to go into an episode without a somewhat tainted perspective.

The only thing I liked about the Go Daddy commercial is that they were able to make me hate their commercials even more than I already do.

It… It just keeps going… it's a gif sound with actual sound? This is new to me.