
Not a huge fan of the movie, but Sam Raimi is definitely at his best with horror comedy.

Louie's done???

Didn't watch the clip (avoiding spoilers as much as possible), but I really hope Bobrow goes down his original "Annie utilizes her obsessive tendencies productively by morphing her major into forensics" road that was scrapped in S3.

It's like if "Snakes on a Plane" were vagina-comedy fodder instead of comedy-action fodder.

Yay good reviews!

To be fair, most chili looks like diarrhea. The white stuff makes it looks like it was meant for a fancy restaurant. "Excuse me waiter, I need one chip. And could you please surround it with some sort of white essence in case I am feeling adventurous?"

Weird question:

(skims comments)

It's weird. Up until you actually point it out, I don't honestly notice it that much. You're absolutely right that all 3 main female characters are unnecessarily scantily clad, and now that I think about it… I'm pretty sure I'm just relatively desensitized to the physical presentation of women in media at this point

Eh… I've only played the 2nd one. Honestly I feel like they handled the relationships between the crew in that game surprisingly well. I've never played a game that puts so much focus into a character's motives and how they react (except maybe LA Noire), so it just sticks out to me. Even Kelly seemed surprisingly

"X Factor: Pepsi" is old as heck, but it still makes a ton more money than most shows. I wouldn't call this "down" so much as "slowly leveling the playing field"

Wai wai wait a second. I haven't even heard anything about this. (the first girl)

I really wish I could write percussion music this extensively. I understand the ins and outs of the harmonies and rhythms, but I never got as much education about rolls/sticking and such in my percussion classes as I would've liked.

I don't know about the first part, but I could definitely see him getting an Abercrombie deal.

Notre Dame's statement on the Te'o situation:

Leading crazy hypothesis about WHY he's telling a lie is that he's secretly gay.