
The overusage of the word "unprecedented" in headlines the past decade is unprecedented.

JGL would also reprise his most famous role by giving Batman the signal.

Old people.

Well now I really want to know what the original comment was.


What an awful system. It's like going to the Olympics for figure skating and being stopped 20 seconds into your routine because the judges were bored.

The "will they or won't they" romance plot between Kaylee and Doc got really tiresome towards the end of its run (and even into Serenity). Aside from that, I didn't really have much to complain about.

It gets much better as it goes on. The 1st episode is by far the weakest out of the 12 that are out. By episode 5 it's established enough quirks (and even continuity) to really carry you through it.

I'm halfway through the movie "Brave" for the first time and it's relentlessly average for a Pixar film. I'm not even sure I want to finish it.

Were you watching Pineapple Express too?

Part of it is definitely because I'm starved for quality programming
aimed at children/adolescents. Sometimes you just want to feel like a kid again, I guess. Ever since Spongebob stopped being
awesome I've had a giant children's-cartoon-shaped void in my life and I think Gravity Falls is filling it (and then some).

5 episodes into Gravity Falls and I have absolutely zero complaints. If anything, you guys undersold it. I don't think I've laughed this much during a TV show since Community Season 1!

Okay, now I really do have to start watching it.

"Alright Captain America, here's your supersuit! The fabric has a special trait that makes it both flexible and very durable. It fits slim to allow for maximum moveme-"

All this constant talk of Gravity Falls is getting me interested in it…

Hey, I've got a great idea guys.

I didn't follow it at all up until this season, so I'm kinda glad I at least get to see it at its "best" or close to it.