
You kids and your newfangled technological advances. How will I know if I was the 1,000,000th click on something who wins a free cruise?

god Dammit is anyone else getting the Romney advertisement video on this page? Usually ads don't play automatically on AV Club for me, but in true annoying-me-to-no-end-swing-state-extravaganza this one automatically plays.

Clone High has tropes/parodies down better than anything I've ever seen in a TV show. Even Community. That probably has a lot to do with the animation medium though.

I tried watching it a few times, but it just makes me miss Chappelle's show.

Laugh tracks should comment on things, not obnoxiously cackle for too long. I get very annoyed with laugh tracks that force actors to take awkward pacing with their lines. Andy Griffith never waited for the laugh track to shut up before he said his next line.

Yeah it was tonight's episode.

I finally watched an episode of Modern Family after avoiding it for however many years it's been on. My impression is that it's very good, and yet so incredibly vanilla. Community has spoiled me.


So trees and shit fell down in my hometown in Northeast Ohio.

Fool me once, shame on me.


Old Person With Internet

I stopped watching Mockingbird Lane after about 20 minutes. Did it get any better?

I feel like Astor Piazzolla falling down the stairs would sound much more interesting.

You obviously don't hang around old people.

In Season 4, if they said fuck-it and brought Chang back into a Spanish teacher… and never explained why, I would be totally fine with that. He was in his prime when he wasn't that batshit insane

Where's Cobain's grave and why don't they just drop buckets of urine on it for the next infinity years? It would be less painful than this.