
George Sr. disagrees with you.

I forgot RCT was nominated for a Hugo Award. Anyone think we have a shot of winning this one? Especially since there's like 3 or 4 Dr. Who episodes up against it?

I forgot RCT was nominated for a Hugo Award. Anyone think we have a shot of winning this one? Especially since there's like 3 or 4 Dr. Who episodes up against it?

Kristen Schaal is a horse, 
Kristen Schaal is a horse,
Well look'a her dance like a, 
look at her go like a, 
look at her dance like a horse,

Kristen Schaal is a horse, 
Kristen Schaal is a horse,
Well look'a her dance like a, 
look at her go like a, 
look at her dance like a horse,

I ate breakfast at 8:30AM and worked 10AM-5PM without getting a lunch break. I had a very late and very big lunch.

I ate breakfast at 8:30AM and worked 10AM-5PM without getting a lunch break. I had a very late and very big lunch.

Kristen Schaal is a horse,
Kristen Schaal is a horse,
Well look at her dance like a,
look at her go like a,
look at her dance like a horse!

Kristen Schaal is a horse,
Kristen Schaal is a horse,
Well look at her dance like a,
look at her go like a,
look at her dance like a horse!

My favorite part was the start of the Curriculum Unavailable commentary:

My favorite part was the start of the Curriculum Unavailable commentary:

Why doesn't Community have a minor character who is constantly high or drunk whenever on screen? I need this character for Season 4 please.

Why doesn't Community have a minor character who is constantly high or drunk whenever on screen? I need this character for Season 4 please.

Hah Ganz. I'm glad they kept her on staff. After listening to interviews/commentary she seems to be responsible for a ton of the subtle creative humor.

Hah Ganz. I'm glad they kept her on staff. After listening to interviews/commentary she seems to be responsible for a ton of the subtle creative humor.

Ugggh I have to work tomorrow and go to sleep early (nowish).

Ugggh I have to work tomorrow and go to sleep early (nowish).

It's funny to look at how Yvette and Chevy both kinda act out against Harmon in different ways.