
LOL. Bacteria would actually make sense! They have no natural immunity since they live in the ice…but once they move south, they all catch cold and die.

He said there were 3 living smiths that could re-work Valyrian steel, and that he had invited the best one to King's Landing. No one can make new ones.

Wasn't he just a normal night's watch dude? Jon told someone to go drop off his passengers and then return for him…

The HBO GO version never used to have it. Now it does and it sucks.

I skip that shit every time. If it were all stuff from the previous episode it wouldn't be a problem, but when they show things from 3 seasons ago the spoonfeeding is ridiculous.

How the fuck was that lady a schoolteacher AND a vampire? Last time I checked school was during the day…

My thinking was: "How long are they supposed to save that?" I mean if they don't eat it soon it's gonna get stale!

I stopped watching the previews, they really play those too fast and loose.

Penis magic should be a thing on GoT

They just can't help themselves can they?

Yeah, I don't like Theon/Reek, but I was just hoping to see Yara fuck some shit up.

True, although we did see his body lying in the sept in the Westerosi version of a wake.

FUUUUUUUCK. Those scenes were off the chain son!

He doesn't have to submit himself, the show could do it for him.

U wot m8?

That guy does a fantastic Underwood!

Seriously. Jon couldn't even muster a damn "Thank you". How rude!

Tony didn't even really poke fun at Kass, he basically said he was surprised she was still in bed because she's normally up by now. Why he didn't just lay out the details of that was kind of weird. Posibly may have diffused the whole thing before he got mad enough to swing his special idol around.

Remind him that his girlfriend left him behind, and that you are tearing that up.

BB looks better because it's shot on 35mm film. ;)