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    You are right. The stunt episodes are where they are failing. Other than that it's been a very consistent season.

    Thanks. I think I had blocked that out.

    The Simpsons has some continuity, but it's not a continuity heavy show. I don't care about continuity if it's funny, or has some heart.

    Also, Leonard Nemoy transporting out in "Marge v. The Monorail."

    well, think of him as a boomerang ninja. If the guy was dressed as a ninja and used throwing stars and a kendo stick people would think it was awesome. Captain Boomerang is a guy who is tremendously skilled with his weapon of choice and had a tremendous mind for tactics. That's why he's a threat.

    I actually think it's the best episode of the series. Character development, an out of nowhere tender moment, crazy yet dangerous gadgets, humor ("Duh. Boomerangs"), classic villains, supernatural stuff, a good choreographed fight scene, some actual stakes in the reporter and the Flash gaining the respect of Orion…

    I always hope he'll show up on one of their holiday shows but he never does, so I had feared he was lost. To know he's become a small legend gives me much joy.

    Who chose the order and pacing of this? They go from the "hilarious" "It's a recipe for… heartburn!" straight to "A young woman is raped before a cheering barroom crowd" and then "Top Guns! From the producers of Beverly Hills Cop!" Yikes!

    I was 12 when it came out and thought it was a little dull, but those stained glass things were awesome.

    Whats most exciting is that he's got a female superhero to work with again.

    Good point. I'm still in on Wells but good point.

    And let's face it, Boomerang belongs on Flash. Did they port him over to Arrow just because he uses a projectile?

    It's the fact that Wells was telegraphed to be from the future that did it for me. This version of Reverse-Flash seemed to tie in to Wells when he said they've been doing it for a long time even though this was the first time they met.

    The only think I didn't like about it is how telegraphed the Reverse Flash reveal was. Just a case of too much foreshadowing throughout the season. Other than that, great action, great emotion. Bravo.

    To be fair, some of them are Davids.

    Some bands work in a very specific time and place. DMB hit a zeitgeist for HS and College age kids that it would not have been able to do at any other time or place. Many are still nostalgic for it.


    I don't watch Arrow so I'm not sure how he's handled over there, but Clock King is my favorite D-Lister. I was over the top giddy to see him show up.

    I really hope the new season of Parks and Rec features Andy pitching this film.

    Even with it's new popularity it's definitely still a small cult thing. It's an amazingly loyal cult that can only exist on cable.