
and they'll all be 'pay what you will'! And then when you pay, you find out they're actually poo-poo 160 kbps mp3s!

I can get 'em to work!

When those books were coming out and were all the rage (1990-91 ish?) it was mostly girls that read them.

It's a pornography store, I was buying pornography.

hmm, that's interesting.

Pony! I need you!

Puerto Rico is old newz, doodz. Get with Agricola.

I come in here to read about the newest masterpiece (and I mean that un-ironically) and you guys just barge in and make simpsons references?

was that the one where he had the long hair and beard and etc.?

Sad news …
Hope that Dr. Hawking is comfortable and recovers quickly! I say so mostly because I'm selfish and was looking forward to hearing him speak in Waterloo, Ontario where he's to be a distinguished Chair at the Perimeter Institute.

Looove those commercials
Hey I sure do enjoy how that video will play the commercial, but not the actual video clip.


upward dog is the one that looks like a pushup except your only 'pushing up' your upper back and head with your arms.