
Watching fourth episode now… back at the community college… Dean is wearing a shirt and tie for a chang… speaking of that, "Kevin" is back, and so are the Germans (minus Nick Kroll.)

Hand to God, I thought that was Fisher Stevens up there.

I think I'd be fine at this point if "Community" gets cancelled at the end of this run… or even before. When you find yourself flipping between this and TBBT - and lingering more on the latter - you know "Community" isn't what it once was.

I tend to agree that a workplace murder spree is pretty much all the show has left to offer that would be new.

Agreed! The simple refrain is haunting ("4… 3… 2… 1… I'm letting you go…") and the line about the floor rings true.

Since we already know that Carrell isn't coming back…

Well played, sir.

I really hope this turns out better than every review I've read says it is. Dean it…

The updated intro also featured a lot more ships around the station in general.

That's right, I forgot about last season's finale. Good to see the show is apparently incorporating more casual mannerisms from Sheldon.

I only occasionally check this show out, but I have to say I really liked this episode. Two things stood out to me:

They probably aren't the only ones. Daaaaaaamn.

They probably aren't the only ones. Daaaaaaamn.

"Finally, I get to star in a major box office success!"

"Finally, I get to star in a major box office success!"

I liked "Eat it Stanley!" too, because it was allowed to occur in the background. Last season, the show would have included a long tracking shot of her walking to the restroom… a three-second establishing shot with a confused Stanley sitting on the john… and a close-up on Erin as she said the words.

I liked "Eat it Stanley!" too, because it was allowed to occur in the background. Last season, the show would have included a long tracking shot of her walking to the restroom… a three-second establishing shot with a confused Stanley sitting on the john… and a close-up on Erin as she said the words.

And, if we're being completely pedantic, it was seeing Mort place the money on the sidewalk that made Brian understand the time-reversal, not just seeing the people go backwards.

And, if we're being completely pedantic, it was seeing Mort place the money on the sidewalk that made Brian understand the time-reversal, not just seeing the people go backwards.

OK Universe, you win: give us back "The Farm." I'll learn to like a Schrute-focused sitcom. Just… DON'T do this!