swibble repairman

I loved this book—funny, dark, tragic, etc. I read it over three nights while canoeing through the Boundary Waters in Minnesota (yay summer break), and the book's tone did not jibe with the beautiful natural setting and peaceful solitude of the wilderness, but I still loved it.

It started as Gen X, but then a lawsuit from Marvel gave them canceraids, so they switched it to Gen 13.

Wayne Rooney can't score, won't score.
Principal Rooney can't pardon my French, won't pardon my French

This has got to be a bullshit traditional trailer to get butts in the seats. Nothing I've seen from Gondry gives any indication that he'd be interested in remaking Iron Man. Have some faith in the guy.

The hurricane as absent father?

No, she just really likes More Than a Feeling so she refused to acknowledge.

If you put that on ebay, I will personally bid up to 10 dollars on that CD (depending on which CD it is).

A Brass Question
I've noticed that most of the bands that Antoine played in this season used two trombone players. Why? They seemed to playing the same parts and the two horns didn't look different enough to produce different sounds. Is it as simple as two horns gives you double the volume?

I didn't believe the circumstances and it felt like another example of clumsily shoehorning in guest appearances, but damn that was a beautiful performance.

Ha. Meant "plain" not "palin."

I did the exact same thing haysoos and Dummy and then I thought, damn, what a brilliant way to show us the toll that the hurricane and just palin living life has taken on these characters through the season. For much of the show, I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be getting from certain characters and

Christ, she tweeted this while she was having her visitor and next week she'll be signed to do some other shitty movie. Dangers of Twitter.

I'd heard good things about the show, so I bought the season 1 and 2 DVD. Much of the acting is over the top with lots lots of annoying physical or vocal tics that the actors return to over and over, and the show is over written. The dialogue would likely seem brilliant on stage, but using it in a gritty, realistic

Ouch that's a cavity, hey that's new,
But if you don't brush your teeth, you'll get one too,
Don't be a Yuck Mouth.

That's cool—then 9 hrs per day for 20 to 22 working days per month, and that gives you 20-22 pages of pencils. Then it's got to be inked, lettered, colored, proofed, printed, and distributed and that doesn't get you anywhere close to a comic a month. Shit takes time.

I think Joe the B is OK, but it's just a well told, fairly typical story that I think just about any skilled writer could come up with and execute well. I expect more from Morrison and think this one's shaping up to be a forgettable entry in his oeuvre. The art is fantastic, though.

I just read the Mark Buckingham Modern Masters volume, and it shows a page that took him over 9 hours to pencil. It's a stunningly beautiful page, and he was probably even keeping time in mind knowing the book has deadlines, but still, 9 hours for just pencils for one page. Shit takes time.

I loved the world that he created in that Waldo book. It was so bizarre yet totally believable at the same time. This new one sounds truly bizarre and I'll definitely check it out.

Before Fables, I'd never encountered a work that I loved and couldn't get enough of, but that actually made me think, that ending is perfect and the series will be perfect forever (outside of the weaker opening arc) if it just ends there.