swibble repairman


High School? Really?
My adulthood can be described at best as pedestrian, and my career choice provincial, but even still, no way would I ever consider my high schoolyears as the best of my life (though they were good times for me).

MLS champs Columbus Crew, bitches.

PP is great in Dazed and in Henry Fool. I can't really stand her in anything else.

Rachel Leigh Cook with glasses= butt ass ugly.

Aziz Ansari is totally best buds with this band! And with Kanye! He's hangs with famous musicians all the time. Let him tell you about it sometime.

Or maybe I just should've read the posts below.

So is Barton's haircut here intentended to evoke the lead character in Eraserhead? What with the surrealism and the hell metaphors in both?

I'm not a fan of Dog, but I would definitely tune in to see him try to make it in France and interact with French people.

First off, whoever writes the elegant victorian lady schtick is brilliant. But this person needs to learn that this kind of thing only works when used sparingly. When EVL first appeared, she was making several comments within the same thread! That shows a poor understanding of comedy.

Argh, I meant DONNA'S got the most comments.

I hope this isn't the death knell of the AVCBookClub, but look at the number of comments on this months blog entries—yikes (I'm pretty sure Tasha's got the most comments because people wanted to chime in to agree with her that they too hated the book).

I'm not sure we need Homeward Bound in any form, but Homeward Bound vs. giant carnivorous demon frogs in comics form? Yes, I think the world could stand to have that in it.

Toby joined the FTC for Pam.

Sci-Curious, here's a suggestion: you could have specified whether she's your full blooded, half-blooded, or adopted sister. Or perhaps a first cousin that your parents took in after the gruesome death of her parents in a white water rafting accident?

A kid in Paranoid Park quotes several lines from this movie. That's how real kids (and avclubbers) talk.

Am I the only one who's shocked to find out that Sci-Curious married his sister? Disturbing.

Jesus Christ. Wasn't this song very recently the topic of some MTV movie award jackassery? I bet even kids in Amazing! places like New York! and California! still like this song. Not all people in the world are douches who refuse to admit to liking anything that's more than ten seconds old. Anyway, the writers

I'm been casually flipping through A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. His essay on taking a Caribbean cruise is pretty hilarious. I didn't love the opening essay on tennis, but it is artful. I also didn't love the longwinded, unfocused essay on television, but he made some great points about how pitiful

I thought it just happened organically—there were some whisperings at the library about this cute guy who'd come in to do research (who knows, Phlox may have even pointed him out to Arthur), and then Arthur befriended him in an attempt to get laid. They found out he was nice and smart and funny and there you