swibble repairman

It's because they drank magical deer blood. Magical Deer Blood!

That Physics department isn't theoretical; it's just hypothetical.

what about
a fictional school of pirhana?

Well, Crowley's country vs city thing doesn't quite work for me, because on the one hand, his book's about life and reproduction and generations, but then the city (and its population) is the big source of conflict in the book? And possibly urbanification is what's causing the faeries to retreat deeper into the

I'll prewrite my review: This is the best show on MTV.

Didn't Joe Pantoliano ask Tony's sister to use a grating tool on his dick?

Christ, here's what I meant to type:

The War
What are the sides in the war and why are they fighting?

And Russel Eigenblick
I don't really see the purpose of Russel Eigenblick. The third act needed a conflict, so he just appears out of nowhere?

did Auberon fuck Bruno? After waking up in bed with him, isn't there something about Auberon's sore and throbbing manhood?

The last paragraph
What is going on in the last paragraph of the book. For a book that seems to be saying that death will be alright and that hopes we get a heaven or hell of our own choosing, and the marriage at the end suggesting that life and the Tale will go on, the final paragraph is very dark.

Men vs women
Did anyone else notice the major differences between men and women in this book?

The meaning of lfe: reproduce!
I don't think I've ever read a book that so clearly and bluntly argues that the meaning of life is to reproduce.

So this book is obviously about time and how it is measured in human lives.

A collector of words
The vocabulary in this book blew my mind, and Crowley, not just Auberon is the collector of words.

Well damn! I kept wondering why Sylvie (who's name nearly translates into "elf-like" wasn't named Titania. Or at least Annie or something hinting at the fairy queen—maybe Crowley thought that would be too in the nose or revealing. That explains it—though I never would have gotten it.

Also, trades of Flex Mentallo and Miracleman out TODAY! And new issues of Fell, Desolation Jones, and Casanova! What a day!

Stop taking it out in daylight and you might stand a better chance.

I always thought Ecto 1. Was that just from the cartoon?

Well, to be fair, tofu always puffs when you freeze it. Because it's like 70% water. And, well, water expands when it freezes.