swibble repairman

Black Jackson
So what was up with black Jackson? It is never stated explicitly, but he seems to be involved in every scene that involves child abduction/rape, starting with whatever happened between him and the juggler's daughter behind the tent.

I want Ian McShane or Westworld Yul Brenner as Holden.

Well, it's the climax, so it'd better be the most powerful section.

No hair and pale white, I'm thinking of the judge as more of a Death figure, uncaring, not taking sides, just a force of nature. That and the dance macabre.

"moral law is an invention of mankind for the disenfranchisement of the powerful in favor of the weak. "

Nature is definitely hell in this book. I see a lot of this book as man fighting nature, and thus fighting God. The only character to take a real interest in the natural world in this book is the judge, and only so he can win his unending battle with it.

In this book, the judge is God, and if he's not the God you like, that's too damned bad.

Where in the middle of the book is it made clear that the kid is just along for the ride and doesn't have interest in the violence? Sure, towards the end, this is hinted at (and I guess made explicit by what the judge says to the kid), but I can't think of one example from the middle where all of the violence takes

Fuck the AVClub for slamming Paint Your Wagon. It's funny and ridiculous and dark and has good songs. It should be hailed as a cult classic. What other movie has the two male leads play co-husbands to the female lead? What other movie plays the kidnapping of a stagecoach full of whores for laughs? What other

Yep. Andy's my favorite Office character. Helms' delivery of every line, no matter how small is brilliant.

I didn't see it, but heard that John Salley said he was a vegan (he is? was he joking?) and then ate some scorpions. Were they tofu scorpions or what?

Terrorize the jam like troops in Pakistan, swingin' through your town like your neighborhood Spiderman!

Slow Reader, if you've read Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow, and Moby Dick, you are far from an average reader. The average reader reads fucking text messages and jack shit else. Don't sell yourself short, bro (or sis).

You've already said it all, and well
but since nobody's mentioned it, I see Bennet's name on the credits for the Mermaid Avenue albums, and understand that he contributed quite a bit to them, and I want to say that they, too, are excellent pieces of work.

Yeah, I have to work for my money, too, and I hate working, so the getting rich thing isn't really working out.

Damn right

Are we still talking about Michael Pitt?

Jesus fucking christ. Where has Michael Moore ever said that people shouldn't use their talents to earn wealth? Find me a quote, please. And do you know how he spends his money (in ahypocritical manner)? No you don't, so shut the fuck up.

Ripped off
I skimmed the comments, but did nobody mention how this show ripped off Petra Haden's version of Don't Stop Believing?

We always called tongue spit squirting, "gleeking" not "gleeting," but whaddayaknow, the internet says both are accepted.