Dain Brammaged

End of Newsradio, end of the Simpsons…. or should have been.

I would agree with this remark. Townsend had already shifted from writing for Roger's voice to writing for his own. And Face Dances always sounded more like a Pete solo recording than a proper Who effort.

Thanks for that link, when you watch the movie a second time, that interpretation seeps thru. Although the crew is still the worst.

Doncha mean the movie Alan Smithee would direct with Kyle MacLachlan?

Compare that scene with the pivotal scene on LOST when Jacob asked Ben "What about you?" Michael Emerson is fantastic.

Well, the team still has the Trojan virus that Root stopped Harold from using and the Machine proved quite adaptable. It is entirely possible that Harold could reprogram the Machine to piggy back onto Samaritan's servers. Plus, the company that made all those phone boxes on the telephone polls, if it can make one box,…

The sniper was in the scene where everyone got into the van. Reese spotted him, gave him that 'I should throw you through a plate glass window' look, but chose to go help Harold and Root.

Yes, but is Elias actually dead? The sniper hit him in the shoulder, not in the head (like Dominic.) I have no idea if Enrico is signed on for more episodes next season, so I can maintain an illusion that Elias might survive.

It should also be noted that the 'correction' is scheduled for 5/6, but the final episode will play on 5/5. Will Control, Shaw, the Machine, and Bear act in time?

IZombie is very worth checking out. As for Liv, she would make an excellent choice to follow Holmes and Kittie as a protege, provided Sherlock has enough 'brains.'

Or a new age Gomez Addams.

I also think the loss of Sarah Shahi services for the second half of season 4 has slowed the over arching plot lines.

Also, Root now has the Trojan Horse activator, removing the threat from Harold, while keeping the option open to use the device against Samaritan.

We should call it a lighthouse, since that's what it is. Although all bets are off if Desmond moves in or Penny shows up as a hologram.

This episode seemed rather shout-y, especially Micheal Emerson's line readings. Normally POI shows rather than tells, but this episode was all about 'TELLING.' The review, however, is all about the 'space' between.

Still laughing, can't type.

Not the skin, but what's under.

Loved the look on the guy's face when she told Romeo that the shotgun wasn't loaded, and he looked, and it wasn't.

I'm getting a major 'A Boy and His Dog' vibe from the Mount Weather folks.

I was really hoping the rival would turn out to be Dalia Royce.