Gred Ingbar

At the end of the day, I think we can agree that all these niggers and faggots and cunts were just *asking* for an Aryan Prince like Anthony Jeselnik to take them down a few pegs.  In recent years, people who aren't white, male, nor hetero have gotten *awfully comfortable* living their lives without fear of brutal

I'm still cranky about this band's name.  There was a one-hit wonder act in the early 90s called The Men:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…  In their case, the name was somewhat ironic, since two of the band members were women.  Should there be a statute of limitations before groups are allowed to reuse band names?

"I’ve seen some Twitter chatter about how the shot of Adam’s semen spilling on Natalia’s breasts was “too far” for even HBO. Now, maybe it’s because I watched this episode on HBO Go, which has a lower resolution than my HDTV does, but it just didn’t seem all that graphic to me. Tell me I’m wrong!".

"Girls" the show that's so good—you can't fucking stand watching it.  Wait until HBO greenlights my new comedy, "Puppies Being Eviscerated with a Rusty Pocketknife." It will be both unwatchable and the inspiration for a lot of arguments on the internet—HOW CAN IT FAIL?  Oh wait.  Crap.  I forgot… I don't have wealthy,

Every media organization in the US should make a pact, assuring that the next time any major news source mentions Donald Trump will be during his obituary.

If Comedy Central wasn't already the network that made Daniel Tosh a superstar, maybe I would have more forgiving of the Jeselnik show.  But I feel like it's two shows in a row consisting of tall, good looking white, hetero dudes "taking shots at everyone"… if by everyone, you mean people who aren't tall good looking

Of the new Comedy Central shows, I've found these to be among the least objectionable.  At least it's not smugly racist, homophobic "bro humor".  But keep in mind that these shows made it to air when the Gregory Brothers and Tom Scharpling projects did not.  It's pretty depressing.

This song is surprisingly awesome.

I suppose it's easy to shit on a movie like this.  It's flawed.  I mean… it's seriously flawed in a thousand different ways.  And yet, it was worth watching.  It was weird and silly and frequently inexplicable and preposterously heavy-handed… but at least it took a fucking chance.  I'd rather watch a movie like this

I thought the album she did with Mike Viola (of The Candy Butchers) was actually really good.  "Nothing Everything" is one of my favorite songs from that year.

Look, for what its worth, I think Meredith Grey is a far less appealing protagonist than Olivia Pope.  Both of them are Mary Sues, but at least Pope isn't endlessly whiny, self-pitying and narcissistic to a point of near-absurdity.  And, yeah, I get that this show is not intended for my particular tastes.  I currently

You're not missing anything.  It's another Shonda Rhimes prime-time soap, in the style of Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice.  Preposterous plot-lines?  Check.  Dialogue that eschews subtext for an endless series of weepy emotive outbursts?  CHECK.  An Über-Mary Sue style protagonist who is smarter and prettier and

Yeah, I love Aesop rock but I'm just not into the Kimya.  But, maybe I'll be pleasantly by this new material.

Those who have seen Neko in concert should note that her touring backup signer Kelly Hogan put out a really amazing solo album last year called "I Like to Keep Myself in Pain".

I'm sort of depressed that I got both of those references.

Nice one!

Well, there's also Sandy Duncan.

Is there a chance that this movie can finally end the "Everything Melissa McCarthy Does is AMAZING" meme?  I actually think she's a pretty talented comic actor… but what the hell has she been in that's of any value?  She was supposedly the best thing in "Bridesmaids", which isn't saying much.  Other than that, she's

Well, they blamed liberals for Reagan's "War on Drugs" in an episode of South Park so geared toward right wing propaganda that even Roger Ailes might have balked at it.  Hell, Matt and Trey created their very own movement of "South Park Conservatives"… young people who are willing to vote for authoritarian oligarchs

Huh.  After all these years I was not expecting MBV to come back with a dubstep record.