Gred Ingbar

Yes.  New Girl is so meta.  Just like HBO's "Girls", we're all expected to ironically enjoy how terrible it is.  Because the Cool Kids have sharpened their cynicism to the point where enjoyment of anything that isn't *fucking terrible* is considered downright tacky.  Comedy is dead, long live comedy.

It's the 90s… can't we have both images AND music that aren't insipid?

It's the 90s… can't we have both images AND music that aren't insipid?

Good point, Combaticus.  I really like this show… but why does every TV show with a female lead have to have a theme song with some girl going "badabadaba laa laa laa laa".  I'm looking at *you* Suburgatory :(

Good point, Combaticus.  I really like this show… but why does every TV show with a female lead have to have a theme song with some girl going "badabadaba laa laa laa laa".  I'm looking at *you* Suburgatory :(

And he's not even the best Twitterer in his band!

And he's not even the best Twitterer in his band!

Great article!  I fancied myself a Power Pop fan, but there are plenty of artists and tracks in this article I hadn't yet discovered.  Since we all seem to be mentioning our favorite obscure Power-pop also-rans, I'd throw out a Milwaukee band called The Shivvers.  Tracks like "Teenline" and "Please Stand By" should

Great article!  I fancied myself a Power Pop fan, but there are plenty of artists and tracks in this article I hadn't yet discovered.  Since we all seem to be mentioning our favorite obscure Power-pop also-rans, I'd throw out a Milwaukee band called The Shivvers.  Tracks like "Teenline" and "Please Stand By" should

Janet Montgomery developed her dead-on New Jersey accent by watching "My Cousin Vinnie" on cable *at least* three times.

Janet Montgomery developed her dead-on New Jersey accent by watching "My Cousin Vinnie" on cable *at least* three times.

I didn't like much of this show's first season.  Jim Caviezel is, to be kind, not a particularly dynamic on-screen presence.  (To be less kind, he can't act.  Not even a little.  He's a piece of furniture who talks in a stilted monotone.)  And this Emerson guy… he always looks like he's smelling a fart.  However,

I didn't like much of this show's first season.  Jim Caviezel is, to be kind, not a particularly dynamic on-screen presence.  (To be less kind, he can't act.  Not even a little.  He's a piece of furniture who talks in a stilted monotone.)  And this Emerson guy… he always looks like he's smelling a fart.  However,

All your complaints about the recycled nature of this show's concept are perfectly valid.  Yet, this is the first pilot of the fall season that actually made me laugh.  The show seems to be aiming for actual comedy… which stands in stark contrast to the rest of the fall comedy pilots, which seem to focus on being

All your complaints about the recycled nature of this show's concept are perfectly valid.  Yet, this is the first pilot of the fall season that actually made me laugh.  The show seems to be aiming for actual comedy… which stands in stark contrast to the rest of the fall comedy pilots, which seem to focus on being

Bad as the 1995 Dredd movie was, at least it made a connection between desperate poverty and unrelenting crime — and the film's antagonist was a corrupt Judge.  In this new movie, viewers are supposed to invest in the idea that the greatest threat to a desperately impoverished dystopia is… a drug dealer?

Bad as the 1995 Dredd movie was, at least it made a connection between desperate poverty and unrelenting crime — and the film's antagonist was a corrupt Judge.  In this new movie, viewers are supposed to invest in the idea that the greatest threat to a desperately impoverished dystopia is… a drug dealer?

I wish it had a similar mortality rate.

I wish it had a similar mortality rate.

So… the main reason why Lena Dunham should be praised isn't because her show is that good, but because she's in her mid twenties and she's a woman and it's nice to praise young women for doing stuff.  I hope Rebecca Black gets around to pitching a sitcom so you guys can praise it like it was Seinfeld meets Arrested