Cheeky Leprechaun

Nugent's pretty witty, but he needs to get a new proofreader, like, yesterday.

oh. didn't see this when I posted my comment, but yes, I said much the same thing.

…the problem with Phil Nugent's writing:
"But even though the show was a hit pretty much from the start, there was some grumbling from those who tuned in to see a team of trained investigators search for evidence that there were those who had managed to defy the line separating the living and the dead, and who didn't

as per the link to my film review blog, well… self-promotion has to start somewhere.

Koski's hair looks great. Just sayin.

1. Tree of Life

TJ Miller was pretty hilarious in this episode. I don't think the cult plot line would have floated without him, but he's ship-shape.

what the fuck?

I always wanted to know how somebody gets a Nielsen box. Do you sign up for it or something? I've never known someone with a Nielsen box, but I've always wanted one as a persistent fan of low-rated shows, like Community.

I always wanted to know how somebody gets a Nielsen box. Do you sign up for it or something? I've never known someone with a Nielsen box, but I've always wanted one as a persistent fan of low-rated shows, like Community.

knowing that Robert Blake was a for reals murderer also makes Lost Highway extra creepy.

Hark! A band from Denver that's actually good!

I liked how Shirley was delighted by Britta's goofy stoner behavior, i.e. the pizza dance, until she found out Britta smokes weed.

I wouldn't mind seeing Melissa Mcarthy naked.
I'm just sayin'.

He's even cool when he's a zombie

I think too many AVclubbers fall into the trap of condemning left-leaning films that broadly attack   conservative america for "going after an easy target." I've never understood this criticism. filmmaking isn't darts. The ease of hitting the target shouldn't be the issue. Evangelical christians invite a lot of the

you're a good writer Todd. and you make good meth.

Did anyone else notice that Jessica Stephenson from Spaced played Kish's widow? She was really good too.

Why is that Gorilla wearing a gorilla suit?

as a fellow bespectacled gentleman…
I too cannot endure 3-D movies. The only 3-D movie I've seen in the past year is Cave of Forgotten Dreams, and while better than most experiences I've had, but I still felt like I had to hold both glasses in place for the duration of the film.