Cheeky Leprechaun

hear hear
I have to second Spike's opinion on Read Dead Redemption's downloadable content. I hadn't played it in a few months, then that Zombie nightmare expansion pack came out, which felt like a whole new (awesome) game.

Leonard Pierce
used the word 'perfunctory' three times in the review. How perfunctory.

top 10 albums of 2010
1. Kanye

Hugh Hefner
just became fiscally solvent again! I'm sure he's having a viagra triplet cocktail to celebrate.

The penultimate sentence
could use a 's after Soderbergh

Does anybody know
when the unrated DVD trend started, and what the legal ambiguities of unrated DVDs are? Blockbuster and Wal-Mart won't carry NC-17 titles, but unrated seems fine (and I've rented some pretty disturbing unrated shit from a blockbuster store, "Martyrs" comes to mind). However, this only seems to be the

I've always found her music a bit of a guilty pleasure, but this is the first time I've seen what she looks like. She's just so damn adorable in that Santa hat.

yes, during the post-cocaine, pre-comeback cut short by cocaine again, comeback of the late 90s. I remember it well.

don't forget Ally McBeal
He sang on Ally McBeal during his pre-comeback comeback.
Cocaine is a motherfucker.

This is my favorite David Cross album
It was a source of catharsis in the darkest days of the Bush administration

I've been in Abed's position at the end of the episode before, that is, stuck in a small backseat with two drunk people making out. It's an awkward situation because it makes the witness feel creepy and voyeuristic even as they intellectually the know that the couple is being invasive. Unlike Abed though, I was in a

I've had the same complaints about the album since it came out last week.

Towlie, you're the worst gimmick commenter ever. But, yes, I'd like to get high.

pardon me, I've been swimming in raw sewage.

the scene with that quote kind of ruined the whole movie for me. It was impossible to take seriously afterwards.

I met Cher once
Believe or not it was on a school trip. She looks even more robotic in person, and moved like an animatronic character on Disney ride. Mind you, this was 10 years ago, so I'm sure she's even worse now.

I feel Colorado beers have been under-represented in this thread. I'm more of a Champagne and Cognac man myself, but I haven't seen any of my favorite local brews listed above.

…that's why I'll probably still see this.

Classic novel
I think this looks alright.

So Canadian then? Or Australian?