dualidean of man

Yeah, it's not great - but it does have that whole "damned army" bit with the Robot Devil and Bender's first-born son which is just hilarious.

I'm really looking forward to this - while I despised V Is For Vagina, I positively adore the C Is For… EP and Conditions Of My Parole. The Humbling River and Green Valley in particular are just fantastic, epic songs, and this is along the same vein.

I'm planning on turning all the lights off and giving The Consuming Shadow - the horror roguelike just released by Zero Punctuation's Yahtzee Crowshaw - a go this weekend. It looks utterly fascinating from the videos I've seen of, despite its rather 2004-era Newgrounds graphics - dark, oppressive, and dripping in

"If I'd wanted a human Adonis for a husband, I'd have stayed married to Barbados Slim."

The A.V. Club
A lesson about changing your sex to win five gold medals

Okay, sure, Bend Her's not great. On the other hand, it does introduce Barbados Slim, whose absurd levels of dickishness/pecs always gives me a chuckle.


I for one am looking forward to a potential crossover between Clarkson and Transparent being described as "hilariously un-PC" and "two fingers up to the lefty elite" by the Daily Mail (and "grossly offensive" by people with any sense of empathy).

When it comes to procrastinating, I'm a big fan of Rayman Origins. I haven't quite 100%-ed it yet, so I've still got a bit of a challenge; but there's also no real drive for me to keep playing beyond completionism, so there's no real hook. I can just jump in and out whenever I want.

Every line of dialogue Lily Rabe got in Asylum is pure gold, but the correct answer to this question is, and shall forever be, "Does it feel like a warm, wet hug?"

I was ambushed by the British entry on Radio 2 (fucking Chris Evans) when I was driving to work on Monday, and dear God is it bad. It's like they listened to "Get A Move On" by Mr Scruff and decided to take out everything good about it.

Owing to the fact that the Eurovision Song Contest is on Saturday, a large swathe of my weekend is going to be taken up gawping at how Europe (and this year Australia too apparently, because why the hell not) can come together to make hilariously terrible music. However, I'm going to try and set some time aside to

"MASTERFUL" YOU SAY? *insert McBain.jpg here*

SO GOOD. Michelle Gomez absolutely owned the finale - her scene with Osgood in particular was really unnerving because that sort of shocking moment isn't what Doctor Who usually does - so it's great to see she'll be back. My one worry is that Moffat does to her what he did to River Song and completely kick the arse

She's absolutely brilliant, definitely - and I'm hoping that she'll get the chance to prove it consistently - but I still think my favourite single performance as the Master is Ainley's turn in Survival. It might partly be because every other appearance of his is too over-the-top, but in Survival there were moments

Well, I liked Wolves. Really liked it - I found it haunting, kind of atmospheric and pretty great on the whole.

Babes, you've served me well these 40 years - but this time I've got to party alone.

"Slurms McKenzie parties every night! Or he's fired."

The A.V. Club
Merely the sewer of an even greater society.

I've got a backlog of, roughly, a bajillion RPGs that I want to get started on (hello both Baldur's Gates, VtM: Bloodlines and lawd knows how many others. But on the other hand, I've recently started replaying Abe's Exoddus, which was one of my favourite games growing up, and possessing farts to blow up stuff trumps