Agreed. It's also one of the easiest songs in the world to completely tune out. There are dozens of Christmas songs that are more rage-inducing.
Agreed. It's also one of the easiest songs in the world to completely tune out. There are dozens of Christmas songs that are more rage-inducing.
"Come as USSR"
"Come as USSR"
"Well we need one good-looking dude for the ladies. Anyway to shoehorn Aragorn into the already bloated script? No? Alright. Just throw a wig on Armitage then, leave the fake nose off".
"Well we need one good-looking dude for the ladies. Anyway to shoehorn Aragorn into the already bloated script? No? Alright. Just throw a wig on Armitage then, leave the fake nose off".
Or (c) they're shallow, dull people who only have something to say when they're complaining. Christmas gifts are for children. Adults should be content with random, "I-saw-this-and-thought-of-you" gifts, and not need to be given presents on Christmas like a five year old.
Or (c) they're shallow, dull people who only have something to say when they're complaining. Christmas gifts are for children. Adults should be content with random, "I-saw-this-and-thought-of-you" gifts, and not need to be given presents on Christmas like a five year old.
Like Jane chugging wine from the bottle in the background of one scene? I only noticed it on a second watch through.
Like Jane chugging wine from the bottle in the background of one scene? I only noticed it on a second watch through.
@avclub-e463f97ca6bc46b1ba706474e108c7e1:disqus That's why you add a few shots to the whipping cream before whipping it. And also drink a few.
@avclub-e463f97ca6bc46b1ba706474e108c7e1:disqus That's why you add a few shots to the whipping cream before whipping it. And also drink a few.
@avclub-3a04d36f2c53226d9c27c607cea5e299:disqus Put a glass of orange juice next to all those things and my early 90s cartoon watching upbringing would title that a complete breakfast.
@avclub-3a04d36f2c53226d9c27c607cea5e299:disqus Put a glass of orange juice next to all those things and my early 90s cartoon watching upbringing would title that a complete breakfast.
This Fringeverse's still all cracked and broken!
This Fringeverse's still all cracked and broken!
Oh I see what you did, you Perdvert.
Oh I see what you did, you Perdvert.