
35 is also the minimum age for a presidential candidate. If we can put a man on the moon, we can put someone with face tattoos in the oval office.

Does anyone remember that TV Funhouse sketch with Downey and Anne Heche (and a third person who I can't recall) stumbling around the neighborhood as intoxicated detectives? They should scrap this whole Sherlock Holmes thing and concentrate on more of that.

That was really excellent, I must say.

I'm sure this has been discussed before, but what exactly is the appeal of Christmas albums? I don't know anyone that enjoys Christmas music, and I don't think it really matters who's singing/reinterpreting it… Prove me wrong.

San Francisco cocksucker?

With his cryptic lyrics and refusal to go away, he's like a Jewish Bob Dylan!

As an impressionable youngster who only decided to go to law school after seeing Daredevil, I say we let this slide.

Why do they think these movies need any actors at all? They could save a lot of dough by just splicing stock footage/infomercials in between the robot fights.

Does the bottom of a barrel really have enough wood to make an entire real boy?


Also, was I the only one who couldn't remember any of these characters' names when this episode started? Even now, I can only come up with three or four of them…

Rest assured that I was on the Internet within minutes, registering my disgust throughout the world.

They should make a series about serious people interacting and looking pensively at things.

Unhand the swine, you swain!

read: "We can patch together x seasons based solely on the four characters I voice."

Kids, you tried your best…and you failed miserably. The lesson is: never try.