
The real reason I do it is because I can only get off by seeing the words "One other person is typing…"

Not even 100 comments and I'm on Troll Bingo? Jesus Christ, it's not tough at all to become a celeb here.

You did misunderstand his grammar, because impersonal "you" is something you should infer by context. Don't blame yourself, blame your parents for not teaching you English, it's probably one of the hardest languages to fully master.

That's pretty mean. AVClub is a nice website where everyone is welcome. Change your attitude. :^)

Twitter hashtags are the only way to really make a difference. We all know by know that the world is run by a secret cabal of spambots who base their policies on the most popular hashtags.

I thought that you (Amanda) were non-native because you misunderstood Eazy's grammar.
Anyway, you fired the first shots! If you randomly shit on feminism, saying something like "wow d'souzas just as rabid as one of those crazy radfems on tumblr!!!!", you should expect a similar response. Reap what you sow.

It's the impersonal "you", lol
Lots of non-native English speakers have trouble getting that, so I don't blame ya

The source is saying that there was not a _decree of excommunication_. Hitler was still de facto excommunicated.

Which is a relatively recent edit which hasn't really been scrutinized.
It's sourced to the 1964 edition of Lewy, but the 2000 edition (which is the one available on Google Books) is likely the correct edition, since the page number cited is about excommunication
"Whether a Papal decree of

I read it and didn't read it

Sounds like a big show.

I read it and I didn't know it.

the internet is a nice place where nobody should ever say anything mean :^)

It takes like three seconds to find out that Hitler was de facto excommunicated in 1931.

Sounds like a good book

Hitler had so many quotes that you can make a case for either side

It applies to Adult Swim now. No smoking on new original programming.

It's called hyperbole. It was a common device, before the "Everything Should Be Taken Completely Literally Act of 2014" passed

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Except they actually did. The term originated as self-critique.