
I just think the bi polar fan wishing is just going to be redundant over kill. Shameless is far to young in the series to start recycling story lines. Ian being bi polar, for me, doesn't sound all that interesting.

I know everyone is on the hate Agustin band wagon, but I think tonight he was so messed up on drugs that you cant really lay the blame on him. This was Patrick's decision. N really its not the first time a gay man who is feeling rejected by someone he cares for goes for the carnal release, damn the consequence.

Its amazing that he use to be the kid on Malcolm in the Middle that use to have a sign around his neck warning that he was a biter.

Totally loving how Ian is forcing Mickey to accept who he is.

Guzzle Buddy would have worked IF the glass didn't have a hole in the bottom of the glass. Just pour yourself the wine connect the GB stub back into the neck and enjoy.

Oh and Coach is alive!!!

No Stiles wont be turned cause Sheriff basically said that Stile's brain disease is being caused by the trickster so Stiles loses hope and thus more easily manipulated.

I'm sorry while I do enjoy this show, this was just bad bad bad. An hour of back story is one thing, but it was so clunky and eye rolling that it just flat lined.

Maybe everyone died in a plane crash and this is Hologram Ted telling the story.

"She's Dead, Jim."

I've never understood the notion that rich white female singers approve of my sexuality means anything to me. Thanks but Im fine.

Kurt became a Saint cause Ryan felt he could use the character to discuss the Bullying/Suicides that young gay men were dealing with in reality. By doing so he destroyed the character.

Marshall became my number 1 gay when he torched his moms shed!!!!

Yes Im rewatching and the lack of eye contact between Dom and Lynn is amazing acting wise.

Dom needs to be out front.

My big issue with Patrick is why is pot suddenly an issue? He smokes alot and should by now know how to handle the situation with this family.

I thought the american QAF was one of the worse shows I've ever watched. It was Crass and nothing more. Oh and horrible written. Though I do love to get stoned sometimes and rewatch the episode where the one dude goes from businessmen to methhead to porn star to recovery in i think 2 episodes. Wow just wonderful

As for gLee I will say the pilot was amazingly fun, but Ryan ruins everything.

Numerous sites like towleroad, backlot and queerty, sorry if Im not allowed to mention other sites, complain alot in the comment section about what I mentioned. It just seems to me that as ICP stated below its may be making some become aware of their sudtle isms. Loads of folks wanted QAF 2.0 and this show isn't

You know I think I've figured out why so many white gay men have issues with this show. They want to blame it on the slow pacing, how SF is used, How unrealistic Patrick is for being his age. It seems to me this show may be hitting a bit to close to home in it's ideas of race, class and tonight family. Its really