
I really want Raj and Stuart as endgame.

"Always the left hand Daniel, it always saves you."

That makes me sad, I was hoping that we were going to get one each episode.

Did we get the upside down roller coaster camera shot in this episode??

I did like that when the ranger stepped on the nail left he HH bow on the rag.  So is all the monsters of the week these season HH related?

Neat is one thing, fixing your bun in the heat of battle on a starship, is like sewing a button on your sleeve  in the trenching of WW 1.  Its not the time or the place.  That scene has bothered me from the get go.  ST was so proud to introduce a female captain and then burdened her with a ridiculous hair style and

I knew there was going to be Feminist issues when in the pilot during an attack on the ship Janeway is hurrying down the corridor fixing her bun.