Emotionally Unavailable Unicor

I wonder if any of the flashbacks will ever take place in a year other than 1960. I find it odd that they all take place then, a full three years before they "disappeared."

I also really like "Prophets" by A.C. Newman from "The Leap."

Unless of course the pilot doesn't get picked up. Then there's no telling what could happen.

My personal favorite is "Inside of Love" by Nada Surf in season 1.

For the entire episode I swore the song playing on the radio was "Roxanne," that's how much this episode reminded me of Remedial Chaos Theory. Also, Martin Short on fire felt like Pierce on fire. I know that only happened in one timeline, but still.

This episode was a poor man's version of Community's "Remedial Chaos Theory".

I want to know who has the power to cancel NBC and when we can expect that. (Community, and Parks and Rec become internet only shows.)

I interpreted Tiller getting the back story of his victim's valuables as a way, when he went to pawn them, to get more money. If he knows their story, he can pass it off as his own and get sympathy points from the buyer.

And it was absolutely ruled out in this season's Christmas episode when Robin found out she couldn't have kids.

He also directed "Happythankyoumoreplease" and has another movie called "Liberal Arts" scheduled for release this year.

It's the only reference I can think of besides the music video for Weird Al's "White and Nerdy." Bit it was awesome.

For me this has been the most emotionally fulfilling season of HIMYM since probably season 2. The writers are knocking out of the park.