Ectoparasitic Infestation

I'm certainly glad you didn't shit me.

Oh, Gentle herpes! You pot stirrer, you!

Being from Missouri (Springfield). I was more than a little disappointed with St. Louis Barbie. I'll have to give her credit IF the "Are you speaking foreign?" comment was a jab, though.

That's a pretty nice lookin' boob. The other one is flat, though. Mastectomy?

Kind of lived up to your name there, HatchetJob! ;)

Is "Dawes" the name of Fast And Sloppy's wife? That would explain a lot of confusing posts for me…

@ The Grand Galactic Inquisitor:

According to Banger up there, this is considered spam….

Thanks! I can get a good joke in here and there. Mostly between therapy sessions.

Ya know, I had forgotten just how metal the Beatles were. Thank you for the gentle reminder.

Thanks, Nintendo!
With "Wii" you gave us penis jokes.

Silly Sausage…
… was a game my uncle and I used to play together. Want a review of that?

Twice the Mighty? I lllllike it!

I get the click-click-click error at work (Internet Explorer) and at home (Chrome).

I was excited to see two different reviews! I had been kind of avoiding the recaps of this show for fear of spoilers.

Ask for "Janice".

@ Kirk Cameron Left Me Behind: How much Keefe is in this film?

SarrCastro wins this one for me! Well played!