
Nik Kershaw "Wouldn't It Be Good"

I was there when they were still calling themselves "Plasma Soundsystem". Hey-o!

"Thesaurused". The verb we never knew we needed.

Wasn't meant as a diss. Just that their roster has a distinct sound (that I mostly quite enjoy, especially Led Er Est, The Men, Moon Duo, etc.). Sorry for the confusion.

I've actually heard Wymyns Prysyn, Naked Naps, and Pop. 1280. All are actually pretty good. Pop. 1280 is on Sacred Bones, so now you know what they sound like. Naked Naps are from my neck of the woods (Raleigh-Durham), and WP are some above-average Atlanta punks.

Huh. I always thought it was ripping off "My Sharona". And yeah, of all the sub-Buzz Bin crap I listened to in the mid-90s, this is one even nostalgia can't salvage.

I'm pretty sure my mom has a Gossip Phone. We just call it a "phone", though.

Clarence Saunders owned Piggly Wiggly, based in Memphis (I've seen the marker). Goldman ran Humpty Dumpty out of OK, apparently. We need more nursery rhyme-themed grocery stores, dammit!

In retrospect, this was the point where I started to stop caring so much about Mogwai. I liked this when it first came out, and I saw them on this tour, which turned me on to Bardo Pond (who opened). I still think they do cool stuff, but the rabid fandom I experienced in 99-00 began its wane here.

Her Christmas album certainly bears that out.

The Barbra Streisand version is notable for quadrupling the amount of syllables it takes to sing "jingle all the way", as well as including about 47 jarring key changes in under 2 minutes. It's truly a Christmas "miracle": https://youtu.be/3Nq0CuUKTjc

I started watching. I thought "OK, I get it". I reached to click away. Then I kept watching. Then I became entranced. I entered the void. I saw the ghosts of my ancestors. I heard the voice of God.

Eh, I think it's OK. <ducks>

A lot of the just under the radar bands I love have their stuff on Bandcamp, and it's great for finding those limited-7"-released-in-2007-at-an-art-show tracks, while still supporting the artists (as opposed to overpaying for them on eBay, and giving the artists nothing). Until we find out that they've secretly been

My personal Best of 2015 Music list is about 25 entries long, and none of them appear here. So there you go (and no, it's not all obscure crap: Kylesa, Zombi, and John Carpenter are all on there…None of which were reviewed here, naturally). Sigh. All I want for Christmas is the old Music Staff back.

Conform! Conform!

They did a whole album. Somehow, "Percy the Puny Poinsettia" is even worse.

I hate it when people vote ironically. Oh wait, people liked this one? Fair enough.

I actually started reading the Song of Ice and Fire series this year, and watching the series after I'd finished the corresponding book. I'm beginning to understand the mass appeal, but man, the grimness. I'm almost done with Clash of Kings, and so starting season 2.