
Don't feel like scrolling through 17 pages of comments to see if anyone else has already expressed this sentiment, but I really liked "Digital" much better than "Chang Dynasty", even if it is a completely standalone episode. Maybe it was all those games of King's Quest and Faxanadu as a kid.

Don't feel like scrolling through 17 pages of comments to see if anyone else has already expressed this sentiment, but I really liked "Digital" much better than "Chang Dynasty", even if it is a completely standalone episode. Maybe it was all those games of King's Quest and Faxanadu as a kid.

Just "bite the monkey" may become my new catchphrase. We'll see if it sticks.

Pull quote:
"awesome…show…great job…out for shit".
It is kinda weird that the whole interview is so sunny and upbeat and he seems to hesitate before maybe saying something halfway insulting about a person or project, then takes a hammer to the balls of the whole jumping the shark thing. Still seems like a genuinely nice

There it is. I was wondering when someone was going to pick up on that.

Oh my God, Earthless' Rhythms From A Cosmic Sky is absolutely mind-blowing. Start there, if you haven't already.

"Cookie Puss" actually popped up on my iPod on the way to work this morning. That started my day off pretty good. This news is ending it pretty badly. I'm really sorry I hated you and your music when Licensed To Ill came out. I turned around by the time Check Your Head came out. The gulf between a middle schooler's

Ah, I like that. But there's about 1 or 2 people on the internet who will find mine slightly funnier. In the end, isn't that what really matters?

Learned a new word today: bildungsroman. It means a novel concerned with the maturation of a young protagonist, usually featuring raw dogging in the stall when you someone eat it

My folks took me to see Stripes when I was 7. Some friends had told them it was hysterical and not that racy. I ended up watching most of the movie between my mother's fingers. Times were different back then…

Quick query: who would think that Grease would be good for youngish kids (I guess it depends on what you mean by "youngish")?

I'm waiting for the biopic starring Will Forte as Ralf Hutter with a cameo by Chris Kattan as Jaco Pastorius.

I didn't get that from the article at all. Did you actually read it? Turn off google translate. That might help.

Hey, Star Raiders was awesome. It had a separate keypad and everything! Seriously, how do you get the highest rank? My inner 10-year old really wants to know.

I will refuse to see this movie Until Abortion Ends.

Do not feed the trolls…do not feed the trolls….Dammit, I really want to feed those trolls!

So wait, what was the name of the Hot Boys' first album? How old was Wayne when it was released?

Folks, when you're done with the pee jokes, don't forget he's also an ardent Christian. So, um, uh, hold on…wait, I…

I was wondering where Donald Fagen's The Nightfly would fit in. Also, my introduction to Steely Dan was Citizen Steely Dan, which contains every album from their first period. Got it for right at $20, which was cheaper than buying all the albums individually. And the occasional so-so track aside, it's still all pretty

I'd like a Gateways to Geekery or 101 on Mae West. And W.C. Fields. I think I'd enjoy some of their movies, but there are so many, some lost, some put out by dodgy companies, and some never that great to begin with that I don't know where to start. I do gather that Sexette is not the place to start with West. However,