
I've been coming to this site for years, and rarely felt the need to comment, but I feel compelled in light of some of the disgusting things and arguments seeming trolls have started with you to say Face of Boe style "You Are Not Alone"

Canadian here. Surprisingly, Canadian coverage of the Moguls had very few mentions of Bilodeau's brother, though I would suggest this is because they already developed that story last olympics in Vancouver. Watching the live coverage on CBC, the only time Bilodeau's brother came up was a quick shot of him going

So this is essentially like drunk Amazon purchases, except when the unexpected package shows up I don't have to realize I paid $240 for the Marvel Cinematic Universe blu-ray set.

The only morons at a National concert are the ones not dancing.

Did Hannibal-Will win the reader's poll favourite TV couple of 2012/13 on the AV Club?

I literally just made an account to add to the call for World Cup coverage. With Spain's international dominance perhaps beginning to wane due to an aging squad and a lack of a true number 9 (Negredo might have something to say about that though), combined with everything else going on in Brazil, its sure to be a