iffy dinklenacker

So I just decided to try this show and binged every episode tonight. This show, about alien experiencing/invasion, feels like the most human thing on TV right now. We know the aliens are real, and the group is not just crazy, so giving us glimpses into everyone's life really deepens the empathy I feel for these

Hey, that's just crazy enough to wor… ah, shit. They already tried that. SOL.

Or just license Donald Trump. He'll put his name on any piece of shit. And won't care about any blowback.

"There is no such thing as society." Margaret Thatcher 1988 This has been coming for a long time.

Me so hungy, me so hungy, pizza, pizza go in tummy.

"Iris telling Barry it’s hard being a bystander and that she feels like her contribution is limited…" to punching people in the face! Go Iris!

Obviously, Stranger Things takes place in a universe where there are still Radio Shacks. There are probably Block Busters too.

The Christians are learning powerful lessons about forgiveness every day. Often several times. That's how often Trump says something they need to forgive him for.

This is just more proof the system is rigged.

Somebodies messing with the most read sidebar. Last week it was all music covers and this week it;s something 2 years old.

He went on record a few years ago saying hr hated the "treadmill of serialization." The wheel spinning I'm thinking of is characters having random aspects to their lives that have never been referred to before Simply because the writers need to make a story. I gave up on P & R when Leslie and Ron had surprise scout

So I'll have to give this another look. I just assumed after the first two episodes it would be more Micheal Schur wheel spinning but it looks like it's gotten interesting.

I wonder who would win a stare down? Ken or Jay?

Michaela getting vote off totally sucked but damn, that was great TV. I love this game.

Yes, Men must lead thr battle against sexism. Thanks Bono.

I miss Better Off Ted so much.

He just wants to be Trumps Secretary of Cocaine.

Barb? I haven't seen her since the party… Hey, wanna skip Bio?

So was his first wife. Fun Fact # 257 He took the 5th amendment 97 times in the divorce proceedings from Ivana when asked about adultery.

If he wins I'm definitely going to have to see his birth certificate before I accept him as President. I mean, he's got to be at least part Mexican, right?