I'm starting to question this George Lucas fellow's judgement
How embarrassing for you to say something so stupid and put it on the internet where everyone can see it.
DAWES: DAWESappointingly DAWESful or DAWESlightfully DAWESome?
Take THAT Community haters
Having seen a dialogue-free version of the film, I can tell you that the scattershot tone and aimless narrative of the final product is entirely the writer's doing. This was one of the most compelling and honest silent films I have ever seen, unfortunately mangled by an incompetent screenwriter
OJ killed the wrong white woman
I'd actually probably rank the shows Community > Always sunny > Parks and Rec.
"All major sports championships preempt regular TV programming, dipshit.
Jesus Christ, you really can't handle one week without Jim, Pam and
fucking Whitney? And you're complaining about it on the review of a show
that not only aired without interruption, but is far superior to
anything on motherfucking NBC except for…
I started this thread ironically for assholes like HipsterDBag and Lobsters 1, and now I can't tell if YOU'RE being ironic or you actually believe these things.
Obligatory "the protesters are obnoxious. What is their message anyway? Why don't those dirty hippies just take a shower?" douchebag thread
See, I liked the book, but Britta's tits were the only thing that makes the movie even remotely worthwhile, imo
@avclub-0257ef47ca24afa78ea6150826388f08:disqus her?
I enjoyed both the structure and the content
I'm just going to let you know……
Fuck. Like the free market wasn't bad enough without religion's help
I disagree. It was always obvious that, until the end of the series, Dexter is never going to face any serious consequences for his actions. The only time in the show's entire run where his actions legitimately came back on him was when Rita died at the end of season 4. Instead of using that as an opportunity to give…
It was always the show you describe. The earlier seasons were just better crafted, so you didn't realize it