
Is there really any chance that Kuniko doesn't win the Viewer's Choice?  She's sailed through every week.

My local Popeye's got turned into a Vietnamese-French bakery, which is the best kind of a fake Popeye's.

My local Popeye's got turned into a Vietnamese-French bakery, which is the best kind of a fake Popeye's.

Pretty sure the addiction to V-necks was an excellent use of Dave.

Pretty sure the addiction to V-necks was an excellent use of Dave.

Allison Janney on West Wing for Drama, but not sure about Comedy.

Allison Janney on West Wing for Drama, but not sure about Comedy.

The Yes, Minister episode "The Moral Dimension" filled with delicious secret imported alcohol.  Or really any Yes Minister episode after the pilot.

The Yes, Minister episode "The Moral Dimension" filled with delicious secret imported alcohol.  Or really any Yes Minister episode after the pilot.

I just started BSG and there is no coverage until season 4, so definitely early seasons of that.

I just started BSG and there is no coverage until season 4, so definitely early seasons of that.

Army Wives?

Army Wives?

Jean-Luc Picard as a bumbling racist had promise.

Jean-Luc Picard as a bumbling racist had promise.

As for soapy twists, I think there's a better chance that they would say that China made the plane crash in retaliation for the sub thing than Bud making it crash. 

As for soapy twists, I think there's a better chance that they would say that China made the plane crash in retaliation for the sub thing than Bud making it crash. 

Ending on Elaine's smile is just a little too obvious a riff on the end of West Wing's second season.

Ending on Elaine's smile is just a little too obvious a riff on the end of West Wing's second season.