
Nine episodes. Sadly, you're thinking of Anger Management. Which is like the polar opposite of B-99.

Really liked this episode.
The end scene between the two Dorians was one of the best of those "superficially muted,yet freighted with silent emotion" exchanges I've seen since Sarek told Spock his associates were people of good character.
And Kennex's car is awesome. If I were Dorian I'd want to take the damn thing

No, I'm really not.

That took me far too long to get.
I need to cut back on my drinking.

Or : Rene Descartes walks into a bar. The barman says, "Hey Rene, do you want a Scotch?"
Descartes says, "I think not", and disappears.

Is this thing with Sherlock being Randalls' sponser just a bit of character development, or am I right in sensing the shadowy form of Mycroft behind it? Maybe it was the way it was juxtaposed with Bell's offer of counterintelligence work, plus the rather sinister delivery of Randalls' "Of course I accept your terms".

"The truth is, Jackson can’t quit Lord Of The Rings; he seems intent on remaking it, blowing up a simpler adventure yarn into something bigger than it was meant to be."

"I give it five Bert winks."

Was anyone else expecting a Data/Tasha Yar situation to develop betwen Dorian and Maya The Psychic, or was that just me?

Yeah, principles are dangerous things. As another great detective observed, "The first thing a principle does is to kill somebody."
Or, in Bell's case, possibly lose him an arm

I too like this show, without being at all sure why ,although Molly Ephraim is near the top of any speculative list I might make ; my goodness she's a peach.

That is an interesting idea.
I really hope you're right.

So, Sherlock tries to buy off his guilt by putting Bell in touch with the world's best therapist in the field of post gunshot limb trauma (or whatever)and Bell turns him down because the chance to teach Holmes a lesson is worth the price of a non-or-poorly functioning limb, subsequent loss of employment and self

I like Leonard (and Penny) too. I think Leonard is a decent person, trying hard to do the right thing under difficult circumstances. He's like D'Hubert to Sheldon's Feraud, but with less trying to kill one another.

I do remember. I also remember that Sheldon has issued a retraction before (and not just to stop his brother bullying him ) again thanks to Leonard who ,while they were at the North Pole looking for monopoles, used the toaster to falsify Sheldon's data so he wouldn't be such a pain in the ass the others had to kill

It's a conceit of fiction; like test results in CSI becoming available in about fifteen minutes… but you knew that already.

Howard and Bernadette made me think of the quote about marriage being like scissors : continually in opposition, but destroying anything that comes between them.

I liked the way Ollie started as The Hood; a slang term for a criminal, which is what he was in the eyes of Starling City to begin with, and has now moved to Arrow, which has far nobler connotations.
I also noticed that they seem to be subtly introducing a goatee that may one day become the trademark Van Dyke. That

I'm going to go with the Marmalard Response, "That would be hard to say…they're each outstanding in their own way…"

If he shows up in flashback, he's going to have to be wearing one of those Dr. Livesey style wigs. Which will be awesome.