
Kyle Sandilands is not a comedian, Lovecraft - I don't just mean he's not funny, I mean his job description is not that of a comedian. That said, I would cheerfully accept the opportunity to beat Kyle Sandilands' face in with a brick. He is a smug, arrogant, self-absorbed, talentless dick, and no court would convict

I think this is the latest I've ever been to a good thread. :(

Oh good.
Finally, a deadline to watch The Big Lebowski. I've been looking for an excuse, so thanks.

Oh, that's very good, Snape.

I didn't want to be the one to bring the science, but menstrual blood is not (entirely) actual blood. It's tissues and secretions from inside the uterus, including water, mucus, glandular tissue, and a tiny bit of blood from capillaries.

Every last one of you is wrong. The only palatable Jelly Belly flavour is Juicy Pear. I have been known to purchase these in $20 lots and savour them over the course of weeks. NOT ONLY do Juicy Pear Jelly Bellys taste exactly like a slightly over-sweetened actual pear, but they also have the grainy texture of actual

I disagree. #1 is never, ever funny.

Just everything. I was a cynical teenager, but my 20s turned me into a soft touch with a hair-trigger crying mechanism. The list of media I will only re-experience in very specific circumstances is getting ridiculously long.

Mary-Anne was my favourite. I *related* to her. That's incredibly depressing. Logan sure was awesome, though. ::dreamy sigh::

As a goth, I have some gratitude towards mall emos, mainly for bringing street-based shouts of "OI, ARE YOU SOME SORT OF GOFFIK? OOOOH. HEY GOFFIK!" to an abrupt halt. Emo kids, being prevalent, don't raise an eyebrow and most people inclined to shout at strangers in the street can't tell the difference. Plus, cheap

Lovecraft, I urge you to inform the authorities about the person or persons keeping you in Australia against your will. Kidnap is a serious offence.

The ending of The Hotel New Hampshire was the closest I have ever come to setting fire to a book. I only refrained because I'm morally opposed to book burning. It went out a window instead (I'm more flexible about littering). I'm grinding my teeth just thinking about it.

Holy shit. I can't believe you knew what I was talking about. I feel somehow vindicated. And I have really got to track down that other book.

Have you seen Metallica's video for Until it Sleeps? It incorporates live action recreations of scenes from various Hieronymus Bosch paintings - That Garden of Earthly Delights, Ecce Homo, etc. It's disconcerting AND awesome. It's my second-favourite music video ever.

I wasn't going to respond to this…
because I knew exactly what scared the bejeesus out of me as a kid, but didn't think I could adequately describe it. BUT! An hour of determined googling later… Crickle-Crack, by Stephen Cosgrove ( http://tinyurl.com/c7k2d3 ). Actually, all blame should go to Robin James, the

I loved the original
largely because of the burgeoning romance between Dominic and Brian. If this latest sequel contains more rampant eye-fucking, I'm there. Twice.


Jesus, yes. I once threatened to picket a Kevin J. Anderson signing - got so far as to actually make a sign before friends convinced me I'd probably be arrested. Admittedly, I've only read his Star Wars EU novels, but they were so appalling that for a while they made me hate books. This is not the time or the place

Craig, definitely watch it. I saw "Patty Hearst" during my late 90s attempt to see everything Natasha Richardson was ever in, and she's fantastic. The movie is occasionally middling, but certainly worth seeing if you know the story. I was also lucky enough to score a copy on DVD about a year ago, so it's available in