Yes. you're missing the bold large font headline which tells you right off the bat this is a Boardwalk Empire story and thus would have nothing to do whatsoever with Game of Thrones. Try reading a little more closely before posting your questions!
Yes. you're missing the bold large font headline which tells you right off the bat this is a Boardwalk Empire story and thus would have nothing to do whatsoever with Game of Thrones. Try reading a little more closely before posting your questions!
You'd be surprised.
Just read through the whole list, and no, it isn't mentioned.
I am pretty skeptical about this project ever getting off of the ground.
You do have bad memory. If Earth was destroyed, we wouldn't be here to talk about it!
Thanks for the postscript. I was coming down here to give you a piece of my mind about talking about a fictional character in a fictional movie as if they are real!
Doesn't sound very hot to me, I guess that's a personal taste thing.
You're saying AdBlock Pro causes ads about clicky pens to come up? Someone needs to talk to them about changing their name to something a little more accurate. Sounds like that ad not only wasn't blocked, it was condoned!
It took place during the holocaust, did you go in expecting a comedy? I mean really, read the description next time!
Sorry, you must have missed it. It's called "The Minority Report".
I know! That's why I felt the need to comment. I took you at your word….LITERALLY.
Saying George W. Bush destroyed the world is a bit hyperbolic don't you think? He made some mistakes, even some big ones, but he also did some good.
I'm not sure how you can see that, considering the phrase "Reagan Democrats" was invented because of him. May be hard to imagine, but sometimes people support a president who doesn't belong to the same party they do.
Actually this is going to be something like the 6th or 7th.
To the person who chose the title, I watched all these and don't find any of them all that threatening, much less doubly so.
More to the point, I don't.
I don't believe they were kidding. I mean really, why joke about something like that?
Probably because they highlighted it then pressed the little "i" on the format bar.
Your caps lock button seems to keep getting stuck.
I think that really depends on who the people on the date are.