
What's the reason for the 3 minute intro to this? I can't even sit through the opening credits of Arrested Development.

Amelie! Like O'Neal with Before Sunrise, I think it kind of warped actual relationships for me by being a too-perfect portrayal of romance.

So is the subtext here a denial of climate change?
"You Native American vegans and your electric cars . . . GAS-POWERED SNOW PLOW, RAAAAAWRRR!!!"

One thing that stood out in this film was Kurt's mom, who looks and seems more like an aged Courtney Love. That resemblance takes the filmmaker's thesis about Kurt's search for being in a loving family to a different level.

I know this is the AV Club, but these reviews take a network sitcom way to seriously. Shouldn't your main review criteria be, was it funny?

What's Harrison Ford going to do next? Remake his own children's childhood?

Crazy that Tribe Called Red's HalluciNation is not on this list. Was that album released in america?

This was so Gondry! No credit given, but was it his short?

Why aren't bike locks just built into your frame? Do you need to bring it elsewhere with you? Carrying it or attaching it to your bike is the worst part of the design.

It looks like Chip has a few sips of wine in the evening and every few days refills his "kambucha" water bottle with a new bottle of wine. That makes no sense as an alcoholic and no sense as a character who is pretending to be an alcoholic.

"Are there no workhouses?"

"the main event here, obviously, is the different between the eyebrows"

You might want to check those dates on Backer's early career.

Teti didn't do a bad job here, but I think there needs to be a discussion about these last 7 episodes overall. They felt contractually obligated. The whole stretch adds nothing new to the show and the ending of Waterloo would have been a better ending even if it didn't wrap up all these storylines as tidily as this

I agree with you on Bertie. I can't stand Australians genearlly, but I would way rather be watching a show about her.

You really want people to answer that?

There are a lot of typos in this review. Did anyone read it? Words repeated, words missing . . . that kind of thing.

Northern Exposure! That moose wandering around just settles you right into Cicely and makes you wonder, where is everybody? What are they up to? Then you find out they are all hanging around having dream sequences and existential dilemmas, and the moose suddenly makes total sense.

Yeah. Mad Men. It's dark and dreamlike, evokes the escape theme, shares the same aesthetic, but sets up a show about the 60s as being about the present. That's a pretty solid 30 second credit sequence.

Eventually cloning dead celebrities will just be called "remakes" or "reboots."