
You mean a massacre of humans who were performing creepy ass tests? Do you feel bad for them?

There was plenty of petting/kissing with Lafayette and Jesus (and Eric and Talbot…)

Skarsgard is supposed to show his dick next week.

I cared about Nora, inasmuch as I care about all of Eric's family and how much he cares for them.

It was one of the better episodes of the season.

No, I think it was just a matter of Sookie thinking about her options, if she ever had a chance with a sort-of-normal-human-person and realizing she doesn't.

It's a welcome change from the early seasons when they gave all the chivalrous things Eric does in the books to Bill.

Eric telling Arlene's son that he's sorry for glamouring away his memory of getting to second base with ABCD was gold (and shows that is entirely possible to be an out of your mind hell bent on revenge vampire and still be nice).

How should someone melting into a pile of good have looked like?

Joe Mangawhatever said at Comic Con that he was pissed because so many of his scenes had been cut this year. I think with the transition to a new showrunner this entire season is about cutting out the shit no one cares about. But I'm sure he has like contracts and crap so they can't just tell him that no one cares and

Uh yes way back in season 1. Bill explained all of it. How they show up in mirrors and how crosses and holy water don't do a damn thing to them.

The less of pathetic wooby Warlow the better. I'm sure he'll turn out to be bad, but in the words of Eric, "I don't care"

What?? She is doing a pitch perfect crazy Southern power-hungry bitch.

Well she died in a different way than all the others. If you go out in the sun you go up in flames, if you get staked you explode into goo, and if you have Hep V you slowly melt.

You laughed maniacally as he clutched his sister (all that's left of his original family) as she turned to goo in his arms?
Whatever, you're a heartless bastard and I cried like a bitch.

I, personally, didn't find it very interesting. Game of Thrones-lite (but I don't even really like Game of Thrones, so…..)

Fuck The Killing.

Both Pam and Eric flew in the first episode they were introduced in in season 1. I mean it was pretty stupid and looked like they were gliding along, but it was meant to be flying. I assume it has to do with Godric's line, since Nora can fly as well.

You're watching a show about vampires and supernatural creatures…why do you need help suspending disbelief? That's your own problem, bro.

Considering how Charlaine hari-kari'd herself in front of fans with the way she ended the book series, that's the best she deserves.