
This was better than the last few episodes only because it didn't make me go, out loud, "wow, that was really fucking stupid."

This was better than the last few episodes only because it didn't make me go, out loud, "wow, that was really fucking stupid."

Carrie is the monster? Everyone else created this hell for Brody? Which person is the terrorist in the version of the show that's playing out in your head? o_O

Carrie is the monster? Everyone else created this hell for Brody? Which person is the terrorist in the version of the show that's playing out in your head? o_O

We, the public, sitting on our ass in Whateversville, don't know the schedules of public servants. But uh, everyone who works with them sure does.

We, the public, sitting on our ass in Whateversville, don't know the schedules of public servants. But uh, everyone who works with them sure does.

Wow, this comment is also complete garbage.

Wow, this comment is also complete garbage.

The "middle of nowhere" in Virginia or Maryland or Pennsylvania is not actually the middle of nowhere.

The "middle of nowhere" in Virginia or Maryland or Pennsylvania is not actually the middle of nowhere.

A military academy in a country where most of the military is sympathetic to him though. I'm trying to come up with an analogous example for America and failing.

That's also a huge problem - the scale of these operations. Christ, this is apparently the most wanted terrorist in the world planning an imminent attack on the US, and you have five guys in a room watching some tv screens? And the only way they're tracking Brody is through his cell phone? They can't task even one

That's also a huge problem - the scale of these operations. Christ, this is apparently the most wanted terrorist in the world planning an imminent attack on the US, and you have five guys in a room watching some tv screens? And the only way they're tracking Brody is through his cell phone? They can't task even one

Oh please. In the first season of this show there was very little to fault it with in terms of "not being close to reality." Of couse it's entertainment, but they, for the most part, painstakingly made sure that they stuck to what was conceivable of "reality." That has gone completely out the window.

The preview makes it clear they have no clue where Brody is

The preview makes it clear they have no clue where Brody is

I know that TSA agents aren't always like the brightest in the bunch, but how the fuck did one of the most wanted terrorists in the world just la dee da traipse into the US? Just cause he shaved his beard? Does he do a whispery Batman voice? Did the helicopter magically take Brody to a secret island? Did Abu Nazir

I know that TSA agents aren't always like the brightest in the bunch, but how the fuck did one of the most wanted terrorists in the world just la dee da traipse into the US? Just cause he shaved his beard? Does he do a whispery Batman voice? Did the helicopter magically take Brody to a secret island? Did Abu Nazir

There HAS to be a reason they kept lingering shots of him downing all his pills with other characters giving him worried glances.

There HAS to be a reason they kept lingering shots of him downing all his pills with other characters giving him worried glances.